By Mary C. Wiley on Jun 24, 2024
"We live in a microwave meals, listen-to-podcasts-in-double-time world. We want more with less; work smarter not harder. However, the move forward or get left behind mentality of today is not a good transferrable principle for discipleship. Mostly because discipleship is all about people, and people can’t be boiled down to a series of tasks. People are messy and their needs aren’t linear."
By Hal Seed on Oct 29, 2022
"Do you need a mentor? Only if you want to become more like Christ, live for Jesus more purposefully, and see your church take ground for God’s glory."
By Karl Vaters on Jun 5, 2024
based on 3 ratings
"Preaching the Word, training disciples and ministering to the community may or may not increase the number of people who sit in front of me from Sunday to Sunday. But it will produce a healthy church."
By Rev. Burk Parsons on Nov 26, 2022
based on 2 ratings
If we are to redirect the current paths of young people, we must begin in the church by taking up the charge to come alongside younger men and women, and teach them the old, ancient values of God's Word.
By Dr. Larry Moyer on Aug 12, 2024
based on 25 ratings
There is a place for a properly given altar call, but we must maintain a correct understanding of how, when, and where to use one.
By SermonCentral on Feb 20, 2020
Invest ten minutes and come away with new energy, new passion, and new perspective for your calling.
By Brandon Hilgemann on Dec 4, 2019
based on 16 ratings
While leading worship I learned to cast aside a crutch, one that many preachers should discard, as well.