  • Paul Robinson

    Contributing sermons since Sep 14, 2022
Paul's church

Northside Baptist Church
Northglenn, Colorado 80233

About Paul
  • Education: Bachelors in Pastoral Theology, West Coast Baptist College and Masters in Bible, West Coast Baptist College
  • Experience: Served as youth pastor for 4 years, interned in several Baptist churches and now assistant pastor at Northside Baptist Church
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  • Revival Looks Like Turning

    Contributed on May 17, 2023

    Revival is far more simple than we often think, but that doesn't mean it's easy.

    Turning is something we do every day. We turn to get out of bed, we turn to go in and out of rooms, we turn on the road, we turn to greet people. Turning is such a natural thing that we don’t even notice we are doing it. In Psalm 85, some conscious turning is taking place. God is turning from His more

  • Rebuilding The Altar Of Sacrifice

    Contributed on May 17, 2023

    How do we as Christians become "acceptable sacrifices" to God?

    Sacrifice is a word we don’t like. To sacrifice our time, money, our very lives, is a hard thing. But it is important. There are troops overseas right now who are sacrificing themselves; many have already given their lives. Many Christians have set aside the altar of sacrifice and replaced it more

  • Ready Too Late

    Contributed on May 17, 2023

    Is it possible to "miss the boat" when it comes to doing something for God? That's exactly what happened to Israel when it was time to enter the Promised Land.

    The twelve spies were sent into the Promised Land as a reconnaissance team. This was the big day, the day Israel had been waiting for. This was the reason God brought them out of Egypt and why they made the long trek through the wilderness. The time had come for Israel to go into the land of more

  • Ready To Heed

    Contributed on May 17, 2023

    The word "heed" is a biblical word that we don't use today. So what does it mean, and how does it apply to our lives now?

    What exactly does the word “heed” mean? It is more than hearing (Psa. 119:9) It is more than agreeing (Hos. 4:10) It is more than teaching (Josh. 22:5) It is more than honoring (II Kings 10:31) So what is heeding? It is remembering to use, following what is said, and making that a rule for conduct. more

  • Put God's Fear First

    Contributed on May 17, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    What is the "fear of the Lord" all about? How can we display this fear in our lives?

    The word “beginning” means “the first.” If you want godly wisdom, you must put God’s fear first. The fear of the Lord is simply a holy awe of God; it is a reverence for who He is. Without this fear, you cannot attain godly wisdom, for it is the beginning of such wisdom. This verse here tells us more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Sowing And Reaping

    Contributed on Mar 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    It was my Senior year of high school, and I wanted to have a good date for the upcoming Junior Senior Banquet (a Christian version of the prom). Her name was Jenny. She was the pastor's daughter, and she was cute. When I finally got up the nerve to ask her, she readily said Yes! I was so more

  • I Was Scammed!

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2023

    It was the summer after my freshman year of Bible college. On this particular day, I was lounging at home, when all of a sudden, my cell phone rang. I didn't recognize the number, but I answered anyway. The man on the other end said, "Congratulations! You've won the Dreams Come True more

  • The Deceitful World We Live In

    Contributed on Mar 7, 2023

    In 1939, Hollywood gave the world "The Wizard of Oz." Since then, the movie has become a classic. It tells the story of Dorothy, who is whisked away to the land of Oz, where she meets three friends, faces a wicked witch, and must find how to return home. The movie is filled with colorful more