  • Milo Velebir

    Contributing sermons since Jul 11, 2007
Milo's church

Concordia Lutheran Church
Duncraig, *Province/Other 6023
618 9246 3376

About Milo
  • Education: 5 years of Theological seminary of the Lutheran Church of Slovakia in Bratislava, part of Commenius University.
  • Experience: Ordained 1986 1986-1988 - military service 1988-1991 - pastor in village church, Kostolne,Slovakia 1991-2006 - pastor of Christ the Lord, Slovak Lutheran Congregation, Laverton, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 2006-2007 - establishment of Slovak evangelical mission in Perth, Western Australia - starting mission radio broadcasting on 6EBA World Radio 2007 - till current - pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church, Duncraig (English)
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I am still a human being, not God. Whatever is of God will touch you spirit; whatever is of the flesh, let it fall to the ground.
  • Family: I have 4 children with my first wife Anna (also a Lutheran pastor): Emanuel(23), Gabriela(20), Dominika(19) and Benjamin(11). Anna is with the Lord now, she died at the age of 49. Married again to Chris (Christine) - 3 more children came to my life. Together we have 7 kids and expecting 6th grandchild.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My dad, also a retired Lutheran pastor, is quite proud father and thinks highly of me - I could not think of a better way how to say: Thank you, dad, for your upbringing.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Aks her - nah, really, she says, I am truly her pastor and she loves listening to me.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Forget what you have learnt at the seminary!
  • Books that have had an impact: too many to mention, but BIBLE
  • Hobbies: guitar, singing, acappella choir, nature, travel, reading, languages, good food and red wine
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: If only you knew how much God really loves you?
  • What I want on my tombstone: Jesus lives. So do I.
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Newest Sermons

  • ‘the Increase Of The Word.’

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2011

    Pretended religion doesn't work, but where believers come together in unity and pray, the anointing of God comes and the demonic powers are on the retreat.

    15th of May 2011 Readings: 1 Peter 2:19-25 Acts 6:1-7 Theme: ‘The increase of the word.’ Dear friends in Christ Jesus, We are reading the book of Acts of the apostles, which should be rather called the Acts of the Holy Spirit through the apostles and others; or is could be also more

  • Shave Your Head For Jesus And Be Free!

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2011

    We are not only free FROM but also free FOR.

    5th of June 2011 Text: Acts 21:17-24.26. Shave your head for Jesus and be free! Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Today I want to speak about the freedom of a Christian. Or as I was preparing this teaching and thinking of the theme I thought I also could name it: more

  • Cargo-Less Lifestyle

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2011

    When the storm came during the apostle Paul's journey, they started to throw things overboard: first the cargo, then... etc.... and the whole journey is as spiritual picture of our life and a lesson how to live a cargo-less lifestyle.

    19th of June 2011 Text: Acts 27:9-44 Cargo-less lifestyle Dear friends in Christ. Our reading journey through the New Testament brought us to the end of the 5th book of the New Testament, Acts of the Apostles chapter 27. Today we shall look into the story from the last journey of apostle more

  • The Mysteries Of God

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    There are people happy with shallow faith and shallow understanding of who God is but God wants to reveal to His beloved children more and more of His character and beauty and of His plans with mankind. These deeper things of God, the mysteries of God are

    Preached on 17th of July 2011 Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1 The mysteries of God. Bible readings: Colossians 4:1-6 & Mark 4:1-11 Dear sons and daughters of the Almighty, loving God. Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth: “This is the way you should consider us: as the servants of Christ more

  • The End Of The Law

    Contributed on Jul 14, 2011

    Jesus Christ is the termination, fulfilment, aim and the purpose of the law.

    Preached on the 3rd of July 2011 Text: Romans 10:4 The end of the law. Dear friends in Christ. Recently I read this story and I want to share it with you this morning. It is a story about how the news of the victory at the battle at Waterloo arrived in England. There were no telegrams or more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Wellington Defeated...

    Contributed on Jul 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    WELLINGTON DEFEATED... It is a story about how the news of the victory at the battle at Waterloo arrived in England. There were no telegrams or telephones in those days, nobody could send an SMS or put it up on Facebook or Youtube, of course, but everyone knew that Wellington was facing Napoleon more