David's church

Church of Christ
Liverpool, New York 13090

About David
  • Education: Northeastern Christian Junior College - Associate of Arts Harding University - Bachelor of Arts Harding Graduate School of Religion - Master of Arts in Religion
  • Family: Married with three daughters.
  • Hobbies: Basketball, Football, Soccer, and Hiking.
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  • Heed The Commands

    Contributed on Jul 18, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    HEED THE COMMANDS In July of 1976, Israeli commandos made a daring raid at an airport in Uganda, in which 103 Jewish hostages were freed. In less than 15 minutes, the soldiers had killed all 7 of the kidnappers and set the captives free. As successful as the rescue was, however, three of the more

  • Engaging God's Power

    Contributed on Mar 14, 2011

    ENGAGING GOD'S POWER Spiritual growth and success is a partnership with God. Paul captured this idea in Philippians 2:12-13, where he wrote: "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose." We more

  • Do You Remember Jesus’ Radical Prescription ...

    Contributed on Jun 23, 2010

    Do you remember Jesus’ radical prescription for avoiding temptation? In Matthew 5:27-30, He suggested that we should cut out or cut off whatever it is that leads us into sin. In the news this week was the story of Hartford, CT resident Jonathan Metz, a single man, who lived alone, who while more

  • The Story Is Told Of A 10-Year-Old Boy Who ...

    Contributed on May 17, 2010

    The story is told of a 10-year-old boy who decided to study Judo despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident. 1. The boy began lessons with an old Japanese Judo master. 2. The boy was doing well, but he couldn't understand why, after three months of training the more

  • Rawlins Kept U.s. Grant On His Horse

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    RAWLINS KEPT U.S. GRANT ON HIS HORSE Ulysses S. Grant was a 4 star general of the union forces during the Civil War and became the 18th President of the United States. John A. Rawlins was Grant’s friend and fellow general, who became Grant’s chief of staff. During the Civil War, no one was more