  • Dale Krueger

    Contributing sermons since Feb 7, 2009
Dale's church

Plainwell, Michigan 49080

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  • Let Your Face Shine Brightly

    Contributed on Feb 21, 2009

    Today I want you all to see the glory of God, and to let that glory be reflected in your faces. With the vision of the resurrection of Jesus, and our resurrection in our baptism, we will let the new Spirit in us shine forth on our faces and we will jo

    Transfiguration Sunday Let Your Face Shine Brightly Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart, by themselves. And he was transfigured before them,3 and his clothes became dazzling white, such as no one on earth could bleach more

  • Be Made Clean

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2009

    The Good News we celebrate today is that Jesus has made us clean, and we want to grasp more fully what it means to be "Cleansed in the Name of Jesus."

    Epiphany 6B “Be Clean” sermon Hope Lutheran. Pr. Dale B .Krueger "Be Made Clean!" Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man and in high favor with his master, because by him the LORD had given victory to Aram. The man, though a mighty warrior, more

  • One Leader And Many Followers

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    All pastors are temporary. There is only one permanent pastor, the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

    Mark 1:14-20 E3B 1/25/09 Hope Lutheran, Plainwell Pr. Dale B. Krueger One Leader and Many Followers 14 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and more

  • Jesus Can Really Help Us!!

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    May we all believe more deeply that Jesus can really help us in all our troubles and problems, and may we put our full trust in him.

    JESUS CAN REALLY HELP US! 21 They went to Capernaum; and when the Sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught.22. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.23 Just then there was in their synagogue a man more

  • Healed Forever. . . On The Inside

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus’s first 100 days in the ministry was off to a smashing success. These healings brought so much publicity that people pursued him.

    HEALED FOREVER . . . ON THE INSIDE! Mark 1:29-39 After his baptism in the Jordan River, Jesus went north to Galilee proclaiming the Good News of God, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe in the Gospel.” He made the village of Capernaum the more

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  • The Love Is The Difference

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2009

    THE LOVE IS THE DIFFERENCE Edward Perry wrote an article entitled, "Where are the People?" It is a summary of his findings on why churches lose or gain members. He concluded that the "key is how people do or do not nurture and support each other in the local congregation." He says, "We more

  • Many, I Am Afraid, Think That Being A Christian ...

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2009

    "Many, I am afraid, think that being a Christian is primarily just a personal individual thing, like something that will benefit me. Even a church can be a very selfish venture if it is meant only to enhance the members. A congregation is not a religious club run for the benefit of the members." more

  • At Least One Follower

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    AT LEAST ONE FOLLOWER A father was filling out an application form for his daughter who was seeking entrance to a very exclusive college. He came to the question on the form which asked whether the applicant was a leader. In honesty he wrote, "No, but she is a good follower." The application more

  • Simon Finds Him And In Effect Says, "Master, ...

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2009

    Simon finds him and in effect says, “Master, let’s get this show on the road, for everybody wants a piece of the action.” But Jesus knew that they were after him for the wrong reasons, for the glory of the miraculous, not for the message of the Kingdom of God. He responds, as Phillips more

  • I'd Play For Nothing.

    Contributed on Feb 7, 2009

    "I'D PLAY FOR NOTHING." Ernie Banks, the great baseball player, once said that if the management only knew, he'd play baseball for nothing, he loved the game so much. His enormous salary did not compel him to endure the work to earn it, but the game itself was so enticing that the love of it more