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Several years ago I entered into a coaching relationship with seven other pastors through Will Mancini’s organization, Auxano. It was a great experience that helped me get clear about vision strategy. In the training and in Will’s seminal book on how to capture and lead through vision, Church Unique, he describes these 9 benefits of being clear as you lead your church.

How clarity benefits leaders.

  1. Clarity makes uniqueness undeniable.
  2. Clarity makes direction unquestionable.
  3. Clarity makes enthusiasm transferable.
  4. Clarity makes work meaningful.
  5. Clarity makes synergy possible.
  6. Clarity makes success definable.
  7. Clarity makes focus sustainable.
  8. Clarity makes leadership credible.
  9. Clarity makes uncertainty approachable.

How would you rank your clarity in your ministry using these 9 as benchmarks?

As a pastor for over 43 years, Charles served as a lead pastor, associate pastor, and church planter in churches from 50 to over 1,000. He now coaches and equips pastors and teams to effectively navigate the unique challenges ministry brings. By blending biblical principles with cutting-edge brain-based practices he helps them enhance their leadership abilities, elevate their preaching/ teaching skills, and prioritize self-care. He has written 7 books, earned 5 degrees (including two doctorates) has been married for 43 years, and has 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren. For more information and to follow his blogs, visit
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