  • Terry Frazier

    Contributing sermons since Feb 11, 2012
Terry's church

Marshall Knob Baptist Church
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37127

About Terry
  • Education: I have an A.A. degree and a B.S. degree in leadership and ministry from Williamson Christian College in Franklin, TN. I graduated with my A.A. degree in 2007 and received my B.S. degree in 2009.
  • Experience: I felt the call to preach in 1999 and I did pulpit supply and filled in at my church when the Pastor was on vacation and then I became active in the jail ministry in the county jail where I live and I preached there at least once a week and became the assistant Chaplain in 2001 where I still serve to this time. I was called to be the interim Pastor at Marshall Knob Baptist Church in 2005 and I am the Pastor there now in 2012.
  • Family: I am married to a wonderful, godly woman named Diane and I have twin boys, Brian and Jason.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: My old Pastor told me to preach what you know and preach the entire counsel of God without apology.
  • Books that have had an impact: Obviously the Bible and also any C. S. Lewis book.
  • Hobbies: I love to fish! I used to be a commercial salmon fisherman in Washington State and in Alaska. While I will fish for most anything that swims, I mainly like to fish for trout.
  • What I want on my tombstone: "well done good and faithful servant" or "the shells still here but the nut's done gone"
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Newest Sermons

  • Be A Lifemaker

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2014

    Jesus is someone who makes people's days and also makes people's lives. He uses believers to do these things and we can be Daymakers and Lifemakers for those around us too. We need to get back to the basics of being good and kind to people.

    Be A Lifemaker Last Thursday night at the company where Diane works (Turner Machine Co.) they had an open house for employees and their spouses to talk about the state of the company and where they were headed in the near future. And one of the things that Jeff Turner ( the owner of the company) more

  • The Forgotten Work Of Discipleship Part I

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2014

    The Church needs to refocus on discipling new believers and we aren't doing that very well. Mature Christians need to spend more time and energy on growing new believers so that they can go out and become disciple makers. That's the point of Christianity.

    The Forgotten Work Of Discipleship Part I What do you suppose is the main goal of being a Christian? Is it the forgiveness of sin? Is it to become a better person? Is it to do good things for other people? What about being a better husband or a better wife? What about being a better Mom or Dad? more

  • Marijuana Use: Willingly Walking Into Bondage

    Contributed on Feb 1, 2014

    What's really behind the movement in America to legalize marijuana? Why do we want to sanction people being put into bondage to a substance and in a broader sense sin? This is very troubling as Christians seem to be having a hard time standing against sin

    A couple of weeks ago I preached a message on the Christian views on legalizing marijuana in America. If you’ll recall, I wasn’t very supportive of the idea. The notion that we can legalize sin and somehow make state sanctioning of sin a good thing despite the fact that legalizing more

  • What Your Tongue Saya About You

    Contributed on Oct 27, 2013

    We get mad when people say nasty things about us but what about what we say to ourselves? Too many times we allow satan to tear us down from the inside out and to use our thoughts against us. Believers need to bring every thought unto captivity to Christ.

    What Your Tongue Says About You There have been countless sermons preached on the power of the tongue. I have preached a few of them myself over the years and many of those sermons were talking about how what we say affects other people and that’s very important because what we say to and more

  • The Missing Family: The True Cost

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2013

    With the assault continuing on the nuclear, god ordained and created family, what is the cost to all of us as Americans? Almost all of the problems we have as a society can be traced back to the vanishing family especially the absentee fathers and mothers

    The Missing Family: The True Cost I know that I have preached a sermon or two about the family and what it means to God and to our society and I used to think that I couldn’t preach on a subject more than a couple of times more