  • Sharoon Bhatti

    Contributing sermons since Feb 28, 2014
Sharoon's church

Faith Force Ministries Pakistan

About Sharoon
  • Education: Bachelors in Arts (Education and Journalism) Certificate of Theology
  • Family: My father is the President and Senior Pastor. I have three brothers and they all are working in the ministry. My wife is a gospel singer and God has blessed us with three boys.
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Newest Sermons

  • From Ordinary To Extra Ordinary

    Contributed on Apr 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Stop living an ordinary life. Repent for your sins and proclaim JESUS as your personal SAVIOR. You will receive the Holy Ghost as a gift from the heavenly Father. Like Apostles and many others. You will live an extra ordinary life.

    I have been a cartoon lover from my young age. I watch cartoons for hours and hours without any break. I like cartoons like Superman, X – Men, He – Man and Spider Man. These super heroes intrigued and fantasized me. I always would think how I can have the same powers. Can I some day like Storm (X more

  • Where Do You Look At? Walking On The Water

    Contributed on Apr 3, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus and peter walking on the water is a reminder to Believers that with Christ Supernatural is natural. Where Jesus is Impossible becomes possible. Rather we can say that with Jesus impossible becomes I M Possible. Hallelujah let’s praise the lord.

    Today the topic of my sermon is where do you look at? Where do you look at when troubles come in your life? Where do you look at when the situation seems to be against you? Where do you look at when life seems to be out of your control? Where do you look at when you feel alone? Let’s open our more