  • Sahaya Selvam

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Sahaya's church

Don Bosco
Moshi, *Province/Other Tz

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  • The Folly Of The Love Of The Shepherd - The Source Of Our Hope!

    Contributed on Nov 16, 2002
    based on 6 ratings

    A Reflection on John 10, in the African context

    The Maasai of East Africa are a very peculiar people. Very often they are known for raiding the neighbouring tribes to take possession of their cattle. From the newspaper accounts one may think that the Maasai are a very violent people. Now, there is a mythical background to why the Maasai raid more

  • The Emptiness Of The Potterworld & The Abundance Of Cana

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    The sermon is a reflection to a European audience on John 2:1-11. The sermon makes a contrast between the emptiness of the contemporary world and the fullness of the presence of Jesus.

    THE EMPTINESS OF THE POTTERWORLD & THE ABUNDANCE OF CANA St. Margaret’s Church Moshi, Tanzania 27.01.2002 Readings: 1Kings 17: 8-16 & John 2:1-11 Emptiness Of The Potterworld One of my New Year resolutions was to read Harry Potter - Book 1. I am proud to say that iit didn’t take me more