  • Russell M Rillie

    Contributing sermons since Jul 7, 2009
Russell M's church

The Latter House, Inc.
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601

About Russell M
  • Education: Currently pursuing Bachelor in Theleogy through The Manhattan Bible Institute
  • Experience: Licensed as a Minister Of The Gospel in December of 2006. Ordained as a Baptist Minister in October 2010. Planted The Latter House, Inc. and Installed as Senior Pastor March 31, 2013 Ordained as Overseer for the New York New England Diocese of Deliverance Temple Restoration Ministries on August 15th, 2015
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Before you take the easy route and take somebodyelse’s work, listen to the sermon in the sermon and see what God is telling YOU! It’s really powerful. Use my sermons more as Sermon Helps, then sermons to preach.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: What Kind of Love Is This? John 3:16
  • One of my favorite illustrations: The young boy who had been in jail and wrote a letter to his parents to see if it was "ok" to come home and asked that they tie a yellow ribbon around the tree at the train station if it was ok.
  • Family: Married to Lady Tamika with 3 Children, Brandon Elijah, Isaiah Russell & Trinity Rose
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mother is very proud of me and I’m honored that she lived long enough to see me doing SOMETHING good!
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: I think that she’s often IN SHOCK of how I’m able to put thought, scripture and facts together so that the Word of God becomes applicable to everyone’s current situation or where they’ve been
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Find the "tension" in the text....what’s wrong!
  • Books that have had an impact: He-Motions By TD Jakes
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Already.....You are ALREADY healed! You are ALREADY blessed! You are ALREADY victorious! WALK IN IT!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I was Neck Deep in my "run & whoop" and said...."He put clothes on my table...and food on my back!"
  • What I want on my tombstone: Russell Murray Rillie, Beloved Husband, Beloved Father
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Newest Sermons

  • Lord... Save Me!

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    We all have been in distress at one time or another. Troubles come to distract us from keeping our eyes on Jesus. This sermon focuses on what happens when we lose our focus and have very little faith. I pray it blesses you.

    Lord…Save ME! St. Matthew 14:22-30 By Pastor Russell M. Rillie Wednesday, August 14, 2014 The Midday Session of the 36th Annual International Holy Convocation of Deliverance Temple Restoration Ministries – Bishop R.D. Graves ~ Chief Prelate The Gathering Place, Raleigh, more

  • You're Going The Wrong Way!

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2009
    based on 8 ratings

    We are all guilty of going the wrong way on the road of life, but we don’t realize is that we can lead our family on the same path and risk crashing into others who are going the right way.

    On Sunday, July 26, 2009, while we were IN church, unbeknownst to me and my family, on the same road that I travel twice a day daily, while we were carrying on in the HOLY SPIRIT, there was something happening in the SPIRIT realm. Diane Schuler, drunk and stoned, drove 1.7 miles in the WRONG more

  • They Don't Know Who You Are!

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    Does anybody know who you REALLY are? Do you know who you REALLY are? We must all get to the point where we realize that we are not just ordinary people, but God’s chosen people.

    They Don’t Know Who You Are! – By Minister Russell M. Rillie 1 Samuel 16:18-22; 17:55-58 Does anybody know who you REALLY are? Yeah, you look nice in your suites & your dresses… but do they know who you REALLY are? When nobody’s looking at you? Who are you? When the lights are off? Who are more

  • Tonight....we Wrestle

    Contributed on Jul 30, 2009
    based on 24 ratings

    Every man has a "Jacob" in him and an "Esau" they are running from. This sermon gives powerful & direct insight into the things Men and Women to a lesser degree wrestle with.

    Tonight….We Wrestle! - By Minister Russell M. Rillie Genesis 32:24-32 As a boy, I would love to get up on Saturday mornings, turn to channel 9 about 10 am & watch wrestling. Before the WWF ended up on cable, before there was a Wrestle mania, before they changed their name to WWE….there was more

  • The King Is Dead......long Live The King!

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2009
    based on 15 ratings

    The King of Pop is dead, Michael Jackson is not coming back from the grave. Thank God the King of Kings not only died and got up from the grave, but He’s coming back again!

    For the last week and a half, we have all been inundated through the T.V., newspapers, internet & idle chatter & gossip, of the sudden & tragic death of Michael Joseph Jackson, the King of Pop. When the news first broke on Thursday, June 25th at around 4:30 pm, all of the news media outlets were more