  • Paul Tipton

    Contributing sermons since May 8, 2008
Paul's church

Riverview Baptist Church
Fort Pierce, Florida 34946

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  • Hallmarks Of A Growing Church

    Contributed on May 8, 2008

    The seed for this sermon came from one I copied and read from SermonCentral but I did not copy the contributors name and do not know who to give the credit

    HALLMARKS OF A GROWING CHURCH ACTS 2:41-47 Introduction: If we desire church growth, it would be good for us to look at the pattern set by the early church in Jerusalem following the Day of Pentecost. The church experienced phenomenal growth and had the power of God flowing through virtually more

  • How A Good Mother Lost Her Son

    Contributed on May 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    I am using this event in the life of Jesus as a means of illustrating a point. Even a good mother can lose her children.

    HOW A GOOD MOTHER LOST HER SON Text: Luke 2:41-52 Intro: I am using this event in the life of Jesus as a means of illustrating a point. Even a good mother can lose her children. No one can doubt Mary was a good mother, hand chosen by God to be the Mother of His Son. Many might say, “How can more