Paul's church

Cimarron Valley Church
, Oklahoma

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  • Let's Settle Out Of Court

    Contributed on Dec 3, 2021

    A Message About the Great White Throne

    There could be no more solemn passage to be read in the entire Word of God than this passage nor is there a more somber message to preach. Many things have taken place to get us to the passage. People since Adam have lived their lives upon this Earth. God has been ever present down through the more

  • Running On Empty

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    II Kings 4:1-7 - The story of the Widow of the Prophet with the endless bottle of oil

    Introduction A. It is thought by some that Obadiah of I Kings 18 could have been the husband of this widow. B. At any rate we know she is the widow of a prophet and prior to his death she had no worries. C. All was well until death came knocking on her door and then her whole life was turned more

  • Saved By A Tree

    Contributed on Oct 10, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon is from Luke 19:1-10 concerning the salvation and call of Zacchaeus

    Introduction A. The entrance of sin in the Garden over a tree a. Brought hiding – Where are you? b. Brought running – I heard you, but… c. Brought fear – I was afraid B. The fraternal twins of the fall of humanity - Sin and hiding C. While we may be hiding due to more