  • Neil Olcott

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Neil's church

Compass Point Church
Dillsburg, Pennsylvania 17019

About Neil
  • Education: MDiv, DMin - Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
  • Experience: Pastor - 43 years Church Planter - 14 years Area Director - CS Lewis Institute of Central PA - 10 years
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  • Psalm 32 - Acknowledging Our Sin Is To Be Our Regular Practice

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2023

    Have you ever felt that your relationship with God has been, not just stagnant, but wooden and hollow, with no life, no relationship, no joy, no vibrancy or flourishing? Like it is forced and faked and empty?

    This morning we are looking at Psalm 32 and we find that it is written by King David. It’s a psalm paired with Psalm 51. They’re bound together. “Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love.” And they’re bound together because the context of the psalm is 2 Samuel chapters 11 and 12. more

  • Resurrection Power For Day To Day Living

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2021

    Why is the resurrection important to humanity today? This sermon looks at Romans 8:5-11 and what it teaches us about the death and resurrection of Jesus do affect our everyday lives. In fact, they are the most important events that ever happened in all of history.

    Intro: It is so great to be able to gather together this Easter. It was only a year ago that we had to celebrate Resurrection Sunday on our couches in our homes. And while many are still choosing to worship online for any variety of reasons, it is so wonderful to be back together with those of more

  • Palm Sunday - The Triumphal Road To Discipleship

    Contributed on Apr 2, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon will be looking at Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem as He came to the end of His long road toward His earthly purpose and final work for us all on this earth, the cross. It looks at how easy it is for us to get off track on what our final destinations as disciples is meant to be.

    INTRO: Back in February Pat and I were returning from a week in Florida. We have made the trip from DC here to Dillsburg many times. When we travel we often will listen to an audio book to help pass the time. This year we were coming up from Richmond and into DC and listening to our book and more

  • The Necessity Of The Gospel

    Contributed on Apr 28, 2011

    This sermon opens this series (The Cross Files) on the significance of the Gospel message that is found in Scripture. The four main points are borrowed from the book, "What is the Gospel", by Greg Gilbert. This sermon is to rekindle the passion we, as b

    Intro: And it is specifically good news about our relationship with God. We all like to receive good news, especially if it addresses some bad news we've just received. If you've just been told that you have cancer, for example, it's good news when the doctor tells you that it is a type that more

  • Choose To Worship

    Contributed on Sep 21, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Today I want us to understand that worship will not happen unless we make the conscious choice to be worshippers!

    Intentional Worship – Sermon Title: Choose to Worship September 20th, 2009 Main Idea: The only way you and I will ever be able to worship is if we make the decision to do so. Issues: Difference between an attender and a worshipper. Intro: Nothing in life just happens by default. Even more

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  • Learn To Speak The Language

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    LEARN TO SPEAK THE LANGUAGE A new missionary recruit went to Venezuela for the first time. He was struggling with the language and didn’t understand a whole lot of what was going on. Intending to visit one of the local churches, he got lost, but he eventually got back on track and found the more