Matt's church

SW Florida Church
Fort Myers, Florida 33908

About Matt
  • Education: BS Religion and Theology
  • Experience: 13 Years Lead Pastor/Evangelist, 21 Years Married, 2 Faithful Children
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I believe that sermons should embrace 1 Jn. 1:5-10. Honesty, transparency, vulnerability, and humility is the key to connection. In my sermons, you will see that displayed...sometimes a humiliating way to lead, but humiliation is the key to humility. :-)
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: Sermon on the Mount by Jesus! :-) Honestly, too many to list here. I am truly grateful for all who serve from the pulpit!
  • One of my favorite illustrations: I had an idea of displaying Jesus's way of untangling our messes by using a Slinky. I watched a Youtube video of a guy who taught how to untangle one of these toys. I purchase one, tangled it, and tried to follow his instructions. Well, on my third ruined Slinky, I realized that the real lesson was that I could never achieve this on my own. Even if someone came to help me, they would only get their mess tangled in mine. It would take a miracle, and only Jesus could pull that off! He, and he alone has the power to untangle my messy life.
  • Family: Wife married in 2001, Kids 2004 and 2009.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Through my sermons, my Jewish father of 75 was impacted and finally baptized into Christ! He is now a faithful member of 80 yrs. old in the Broward Church in S Florida.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She is my number one fan! Without her encouragement, I would never have taken this position...she is support here on earth, my partner in the gospel, and my best friend.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Surrender to God quicker...he's gonna win anyways.
  • Books that have had an impact: The Divine Romance by Gene Edwards, Heaven by Randy Alcorn, Church History in Plain Language by Bruce Shelley, Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman, Crazy Love by Francis Chan, With by Skye Jethani, Simple Church by Rainer and Geiger
  • Hobbies: Golf, fishing, beach activities, sappy movies, great coffee search, and a great book!
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Be yourself as you become more like Jesus...honest, vulnerable, and real!
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: We originally were meeting in a elementary school cafeteria. On the weekends, the houseflies would be buzzing around and we would come early with fly-swatters to minimize the aggravation. One Sunday, the flies were pretty intense, and in the middle of my sermon, I realized that our little congregation of 50 or so at the time, resembled a room full of people with tourettes syndrome. I had to stop and hand out fly-swatters to the congregation, and then finished my sermon with a purpose!
  • What I want on my tombstone: He never gave up!
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Newest Sermons

  • Forgiveness

    Contributed on Aug 3, 2023

    God is calling us to have his heart toward others. The Book of Jonah is a portrait of how this looks in action. It's just might be one of the toughest lessons in the Bible!

    “FORGIVENESS” I. BOOK OF JONAH! A. Jonah lived in Gath Hepher, next to Nazareth 1. He’s called to travel to Nineveh 2. “Nineveh” - Capital of the Assyrian Empire...modern-day Northern Iraq. 3. ASSYRIAN EMPIRE – Huge influence at this time!! B. 2 Kings 14:25- Jonah known prophet during more

  • Double-Agent

    Contributed on Jan 19, 2023

    There should be a “Warning Label” on this message. Calling out all the double agents in our churches!

    I. INTRO: NOT A SERMON I WANT TO PREACH...BUT A SERMON THAT MUST BE PREACHED. A. I think I don’t want to preach about this subject because I'm at the center of it. 1. I'm BUSTED...Nowhere to run...the cat’s out of the bag...pointing out the elephant in the room. I’d rather just more

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