Kory's church

Community Christian Church
Lincolnshire, Illinois 60069

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Newest Sermons

  • Knowing Judas

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2006
    based on 54 ratings

    In this series, we’re taking a closer look at those people who were around Jesus during his last days. This sermon looks at Judas Iscariot.

    “Were You There?” Sermon Series Sermon #3 – Judas March 19, 2006 Kory Wilcoxson It’s always been a popular idea to give your child a biblical name. Did you know that our associate minister has three brothers named Matthew, Mark, and Luke? I guess Tim’s parents didn’t want to seem too more

  • Christians In The Hov Lanes

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    To acknowledge that we believe that Jesus is the Christ and our Lord and Savior is more than just a decision made above the neck; it’s a decision that comes from the heart. And if it comes from the heart, we are no longer the same person. We have been cha

    When I lived in the Washington, D.C. area right after high school, I worked afternoons at a doctor’s office in Springfield, Va. This was the height of my pre-Christian days, so I didn’t have much use in my life for religion. But there wase a group of nurses who worked there that I really more

  • All Y'all's Christian Church

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    We are called by God to be in community with each other. We are each a spiritual stone used by God to build the church. There’s no such thing as an individual Christian.

    Imagine a world where coming to church meant risking your life, a world where professing belief in Christ was the same as signing your own death sentence. Although that might be hard for us to comprehend, it is that world that our scripture invites us into this morning. 1 Peter was a letter more

  • A Word To The Laggards

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2005
    based on 130 ratings

    One son says he’ll do the work, and doesn’t. Another says he won’t do the work, and does. Which one best describes us? And is there a third option?

    Growing up, I was a huge fan of the University of Kentucky basketball. I still follow them closely, but nothing like when I was younger. I idolized their players, I knew all their stats, I watched their games on TV like it was a life or death struggle. My favorite player when I was in third grade more

  • A Taxing Question

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2005
    based on 101 ratings

    A stewardship sermon Jesus’ words on paying taxes to Caesar

    You know, Nelson and I talked about it, and we almost skipped doing stewardship sermons these next two Sundays. Instead, we were going to make a deal with you all. If you meet the stewardship goal, we were going to put a clock on the pulpit. If you exceeded the goal by $5,000, we were going to look more

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  • I Was On A Mission Trip To North Carolina A Few ...

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2006

    I was on a mission trip to North Carolina a few years ago, working on a house that had been flooded by a recent hurricane. A few youth and I were assigned to clean out the pool, which had been filled to the top with floodwaters and creepy-crawlies and sticks that looked liked snakes and made more

  • Anyone With Children Can Relate To Peter's Words. ...

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2005

    Anyone with children can relate to Peter’s words. Leigh and I certainly can as we work on teaching Sydney the language of faith. She’s learning pretty well. She can recite her way through the Lord’s prayer, and knows “Jesus Loves Me.” I remember when she first tried to sing, “Amazing Grace,” she more

  • That's Why I Think We Should All Subscribe To The ...

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    That’s why I think we should all subscribe to the Southerner’s version of the Gospel. You see, there’s no such thing as a singular pronoun in the South. They don’t say you. They say y’all. Even if they’re talking to one person. “Y’all think Wal-Mart’s still open?” “Y’all going to the pig roast more

  • Growing Up, I Was A Huge Fan Of The University Of ...

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    Growing up, I was a huge fan of the University of Kentucky basketball. I still follow them closely, but nothing like when I was younger. I idolized their players, I knew all their stats, I watched their games on TV like it was a life or death struggle. My favorite player when I was in third grade more

  • When I Was Studying Interpersonal Communication ...

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2005

    When I was studying Interpersonal Communication at Ohio University, I took a class called Diffusion of Innovations, which is just a fancy way of saying the class was about how new ideas get out and get accepted. For example, when the microwave oven was first available, you had the early adapters more