  • John Browning

    Contributing sermons since Sep 5, 2006
John's church

Staples Baptist Church
Staples, Texas 78670

About John
  • Education: Working on my Seminary Degree now. I’ve attended numerous trainings and workshops not to mention that Life has prepared me for the ministry long before I relized it. Other than that I have extensive education in Fire Department Activities, Management, Leadership, Communications, Public Speaking and Several Certifications for Crisis Counceling and Peer Counceling.
  • Experience: Life, I served as a supply pastor for First Lockhart Baptist Chruch and various churches in around Central Texas. I then served as Associate Pastor at Golden Age Assisted Living for about 2 years.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I hope anything I have written will help others, If I have used something and not given proper credit first forgive me, then let me know so I can correct my notes. If not please use what you can.
  • Family: I’ve been married for 18 yrs and have two beautiful daughters.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Pray a lot
  • Hobbies: Outdoor Activities (Fly Fishing in particular), Family and friends
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Meet Jesus, today may be your last chance.
  • What I want on my tombstone: He shared the love that was passed on to him.
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  • Have You Had Your Epiphany?

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Everyone is or was searching. Jesus was revealed to the world trhough the Magi. They had their Epiphany and realized who he was and worshiped him, Have you?

    Have You Had Your Epiphany? By: Pastor Clinton Browning 01/05/2008 Matthew 2: 1 – 12 Read Text: During week 3 of Advent we discussed the Magi and their following of a star to meet and worship the new King. We spoke of the fact that these Magi / Wisemen were: • Not locals, • They did more

  • The Potter's Hands

    Contributed on Sep 9, 2007

    I’m always amazed of the plan God has for our lives. It also amazes me that when I fail or refuse to follow the plan that instead of pitching us out and starting over he reforms us in the image he sees fit.

    The Potter’s Hand By: Pastor JC Browning Jeremiah 18: 1 – 11 In this world of constant struggle it is often times of trial and temptation when we ask father where are you? Last week I spoke of the temptations we face. This week I’m going to start with a conversation between God and more

  • God, Help! A-Men

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Prayer is the center of our Christian walk. We all have times of need and our prayer life will keep us going. Even Christ had times of need.

    Lord, Help! A-men By Pastor JC Browning August 5, 2007 Luke 11: 1 – 13 Matthew 6 : 5 – 13 Prayer is a central part of any Christian’s life, both Up’s and Down’s. Illustration: A story is told of a small group study that was done each week a church. Each week it would be held in a more

  • Prayer: Who, What, When, Where, How

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We are taught to pray for every thing in all situations. But not everyone prays the same way. Ultimately the how you pray is up to you and your relationship with the Heavely Father.

    Prayer: Who, What, When, Where, HOW? By Pastor JC Browning June 3, 2007 We are told to pray over 1000 times in the Bible. Every time we turn around the world is telling us where we can and can not pray. But I’m here to tell you in the words of William Wallace in the movie ‘Braveheart’ “Yes, more

  • Taking That First Step

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In all of our efforts to grow and share in Christ, it all starts with that first step of faith.

    Taking That First Step By Pastor JC Browning 04/29/07 Hebrews 11 I really like the Indiana Jones movie series – I particularly liked the first and the third movie. You see in the First they where looking for the Ark of the Covenant. In the Third they were looking for the Holy Grail. Through more

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  • Five Finger ...

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2009

    Five Finger Prayer This is so neat. I had never heard this before. This is beautiful - and it is surely worth making the 5 finger prayer a part of our lives. 1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for more

  • A Story Is Told Of A Small Group Study That Was ...

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2007

    A story is told of a small group study that was done each week a church. Each week it would be held in a different member’s home and the host would provide snacks and the opening prayer. One young lady always provided the best food, had the cleanest home, etc. But she could never say the prayer; more

  • A Dog Can Teach You How To Pray. When You Go To ...

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2007

    A dog can teach you how to pray. When you go to feed a dog a piece of meat and you place it on your fork, you have his total focus. Momentarily you have total control of its attention. That is how we more

  • Our Prayers Are Like A Child's Art, God Doesn't ...

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2007

    Our prayers are like a child’s art, God doesn’t judge our words, but He sees the heart behind the more