  • James Goforth, Jr.

    Contributing sermons since May 1, 2006
James's church

New Life Baptist Church
Florissant, Missouri 63031

About James
  • Education: Jim graduated from The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, Texas in 1987 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Music and Minor in Religion. He received extensive training in Leadership and Vision Development through a 2 Year Program (1997/1998) "Leader’s Edge", developed by The Union Baptist Association in Houston Texas. Pastor Jim was also awarded a Bachelor of Biblical Studies in December 2003 and a Master of Biblical Studies in March of 2005 from the United Theological Seminary, St. Louis Extention.
  • Experience: Jim was called to preach in December 1975. Pastor began revival ministry as a preacher and musician in 1981. Jim was Licensed to the Gospel Ministry, November 7, 1982. Jim has served church staffs since 1983. Pastor Jim spent 8 years in full-time evangelistic ministry traveling, preaching, singing, and teaching in schools, churches, camps, and revivals from 1988-1996. Pastor Jim was ordained to the Gospel Ministry in January 1991 by the Woodforest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas. Pastor Jim has served churches in Texas and Missouri as Minister of Music, Artist in Residence/Staff Evangelist, Co-Pastor, Church Plant Pastor, Associate and Senior Pastor. Pastor Jim has been Senior Pastor of the New Life Baptist Church since March 2003.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Come to the Word of God recognizing it as a Person, Jesus, not a collection of words. Come to the Word believing that it is true. Come to the Word expecting God to Speak. Come to the Word willing to adjust my life to match the truth of the Word of God. That’s how I approach the text and how I preach The Word exalts Jesus, is meant to be be believed and Obeyed If I’ve encouraged you in anyway, glory to God
  • Family: Wife Lisa; married in 1985; is a school teacher of 22 years Sons AJ(88) and Bryan(92) are both fine young men called to ministry As a family we love sports and being outdoors as well as movies and other recreation
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: If you can do anything else and the Lord will Let you ... DO it :); Preach the Word. Preach Exposition and the Word will take care of most topics and be contemporary and relevant. You are NOT the Holy Spirit so don’t try to be (game myself that advise)
  • Books that have had an impact: Leading Congregational Change by Jim Herrington; The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard; A Knock at Midnight (Sermons of ML King Jr); Leading Change by John Kotter; Deep Change by Robert Quinn; Built to Last by James Collings.
  • Hobbies: Jim is an accomplished musician and songwriter and has recorded 3 custom albums. Outside of the pulpit, Pastor Jim loves most every kind of sport. He is especially devoted to golf, having served 2 years as a Teaching Professional in Houston. Jim has coached 25+ little league soccer and baseball teams as well as working with juniors in golf. He also enjoys writing devotional materials, reading both fiction and non-fiction and is a student of history.
  • What I want on my tombstone: All I Ever Wanted was to be a groom, to be a Dad, and to hear my Father say
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    Contributed on May 3, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    An Exposition on Romans

    More than Religion Romans 2:17-29 From the Inside Out Religion Vs Relationship God had made a covenant with Abraham - Genesis 17:13 His people would be “set apart” and “marked” with circumcision “my covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant” Matt 5:20 20 For I tell you more

  • God's Kindness Leads To Repentance

    Contributed on May 1, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Exposition on Romans

    Romans 2 God’s Kindness Leads to Repentace ------ Now before we get into the passage, I need to tell you something, some bad news God hates for you to eat greasy fat filled hamburgers <<find BOX >> God wants you to only eat grilled food <<find BOX >> and steamed vegetables, <<find BOX more

  • The Good News Really Is Good

    Contributed on May 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition on Romans

    This letter is written to the Gentiles, but to the world. It is the clear presentation of the theology of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So Paul lays the ground work here. Read with me Romans 1:1-17 I. Starts with JESUS vv 1-4 A. Prophesies about Him Genesis 3:15 (serpent)… He more

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