  • Emilia Florio

    Contributing sermons since Feb 15, 2008
Emilia's church

Christian Vision Ministries/Ministerios Vision Cri
Dudley, Pennsylvania 16634

About Emilia
  • Education: Rev. Emilia Riveiro Florio was ordained in the United Church of Christ in December of 2003. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from New Brunswick Theological Seminary in New Jersey with a Masters of Divinity Degree. Currently Pastor Em has ministerial standing in Christian Vision Ministries, Inc. / Ministerios Vision Cristiana and is under the covering of Ministerios Vision Cristiana, Honduras and Senior Pastor Alberto Cruz. She works closely with Pastor Norma Ramirez, pastor of Missions.
  • Experience: Christ Reformed Church, United Church of Christ from 2003 to 2007 Christian Vision Ministries from 2007 to present
  • Hobbies: Hiking, drama, mission trips
  • What I want on my tombstone: She just showed up, had fun, and God did the rest!
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Newest Sermons

  • Cooking The Books

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message talks about the importance of being good stewards not only of our monetary and worldly resource, but of the abundant spiritual resources God has given us as well.

    Cooking the Books Luke 16:1-17 [INTRODUCTION] Have you ever heard the expression Cooking the books? Do you know what that means? Well, it has nothing to do with cooking or cookbooks, although I suppose that if you stretch the analogy a bit, you might say that it is a bit like Weight more

  • God Is Not In The Calamity - He's In The Remedy

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This message helps individuals answer the question, "Where is God in this world of disasters?" and presents a challenge to them to discover how they are called to be part of the remedy.

    [INTRO] (This sermon was delivered as a trial sermon for a pastoral position; hence the personal information about self and family) Tell a little about self and family; 3 children living at home now; 7 total; Also have 3 we never see but hear a lot about. Names? Nobody…. I don’t know… more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Over The Past Several Weeks I've Had The ...

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Over the past several weeks I’ve had the opportunity to have conversations with a young man, in his early 20’s, who’s really struggling with the question of “Is God real?” Matt is a self-proclaimed atheist, a sweet young guy, really. But he picks up the newspapers, and he switches on the TV, and more

  • God Has A Very Specific Purpose, Calling, Mantle ...

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2008
    based on 12 ratings

    God has a very specific purpose, calling, mantle for you. Maybe you’re finding yourself right now in a place, spiritually or physically, where you don’t quite belong. Where you are struggling and gasping for breath, like a fish floundering around on the shore. Take that fish and put it in the more