  • David Mcclain

    Contributing sermons since Dec 20, 2010
David's church

Bonnyville Baptist Church
Bonnyville, *Province/Other T9N1S7
(780) 826-4801

About David
  • Education: Bachelor of Science- Corban University in Salem, Oregon Master of Divinity- Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon Doctor of Ministry- Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California
  • Experience: 36 years in pastoral ministry as a church planter and Senior Pastor.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: The sermon series has been published under the same title, "Marriage in and iWorld" under Equip Press. It
  • One of my favorite illustrations: From C.S. Lewis of a child learning to walk. He falls down numerous times before he walks well. He relates to the Christian walk.
  • Family: I have been married for 36 years and have two sons, one is 28 and the other 25.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Loves them.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Very supportive.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Sometimes ministry is just about sticking it out.
  • Hobbies: Photography and Woodworking.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: The fire chief and head of the EMT and half the fire department attended our church. One Sunday around eight pagers went off at the same time and they all got up and ran out the door. It's hard to get back on track after that.
  • What I want on my tombstone: Well Done they good and faithful servant.
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Newest Sermons

  • They May Not Break Bones But Words Can Still Hurt.

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2018

    Taming the tongue is vital to healthy communication in marriage.

    OPENING SENTENCE: I was surprised when I heard some time ago that scholar Ruth Tucker was divorcing her husband for domestic violence. INTRODUCTION: Most of you probably don’t know who Ruth Tucker is. She was a Ph.D. missions’ professor at Trinity Evangelical Seminary and is considered by many more

  • Parenting: Training Up A Child In The Things Of God.

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Parents must agree on the values and principles for childrearing

    OPENING SENTENCE: Let me read to you a mothers account of a typical day in her household. INTRODUCTION: Like last night. I had repeatedly asked Addy to go pee before bed, and repeatedly asked Peyton to stop throwing Addy’s pillows. When neither of them listened to me, Peter yelled from the more

  • The Addictions That Destroy

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    The Spirit of God frees a person from the addictions that destroy marriages

    OPENING SENTENCE: On Facebook the other day I ran across a post that reveals the heart of a young girl toward her father. INTRODUCTION: It reads: Dear “Dad", Don’t worry, I'm fine. You were a good dad when you were clean. but you could never seem to stay that way. It seemed like even I wasn't more

  • Money And Marriage

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    Money issues in marriage are resolved when couples put the Kingdom of Heaven first.

    OPENING SENTENCE: Let me read a story that has been lived out in thousands of homes. INTRODUCTION: “Making no effort to be quiet, Graham comes to bed. It's about 1:00 a.m. Anna has been asleep for three hours, but she's wide awake now. "Anna," says Graham, "we're never going to make it if you more

  • Life Crisis’s That Impact Marriages

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2018

    When dealing with a major life crisis let God handle what you and your spouse cannot.

    OPENING SENTENCE: Not long before Vaunda and I moved to Canada we the got news about Christian musician Steven Curtis Chapman tragically losing his daughter. INTRODUCTION: Stephen and most of his family were at home and the younger kids were playing outside. The family included 3 naturally more

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