  • Antwion Yowe

    Contributing sermons since Jul 10, 2011
Antwion's church

Reedy River MBC
Greenville, South Carolina 29662

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  • "What Is Really Going On"

    Contributed on Jul 10, 2011

    What Is Really Going On? Jeremiah 7: 30-34 Intro Earlier this week, the eyes and ears of this nation were focused on Orange County, FL, anxiously awaiting the outcome of the Casey Anthony trial. Some of us have closely followed the case since its beg

    ) I am reminded of a faithless nation that ritually killed their children and the Lord’s judgment upon them. The passage is Jeremiah 7: 30-34.   Body I. “The children of Judah” a. Judah means “praise” i. Judah’s purpose for existence was to give more