  • Allen Moore

    Contributing sermons since Apr 22, 2004
Allen's church

Florence First United Methodist
Florence, Alabama 35630

About Allen
  • Education: I have a formal degree in Communications. I currently work as an engineer for one of the big three telecoms-- although they’re not as big as they used to be. I was blessed in the early 1980’s with a partial scholarship in Public Speaking.
  • Experience: I have NO formal training outside of my career path. I don’t think for a minute that my childhood church perfect attendence pin qualifies me for anything more than just what I am- a beliver.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I am not a professional pulpiteer! I am an engineer that has been blessed with the ability to speak to a wide range of folks on even a wider range of topics. I recently figured out what was in the gift I was given. I thought I would see if it would play here first. I’m just one voice who believes. Maybe my one voice can reach one more.
  • Family: I grew up in a house with a long history of politics. I saw my family persuade many for many good causes. I was certain I could somehow apply what I grew up with for a good cause but recently thought maybe I could use my life lessons for His cause.
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Newest Sermons

  • The Witness

    Contributed on May 23, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Transforming armchair Christians into the Witnesses they can be.

    I would like this morning to hold up a mirror toward the congregation. Not a glass with silver backing dressed up with an ornate gold leafed frame…don’t attempt to adjust your hair or tuck your child’s shirt back in, again. This mirror will not show our beauty nor our flaws nor our choices of more