  • Troy Walliser

    Contributing sermons since Nov 5, 2020
Troy's church

Lookout Valley Baptist Church
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37419

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  • Back To The Future

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2023

    No matter how far into the future we go, Christ’s MISSION for the church will remain UNCHANGED!

    Back To The Future Acts 28:1-31 Chili & Caroling; Next Sunday service. I'll be preaching a message I've entitled "Back to the Future." Watch this! That future is now in the past. We reached that movie date a little less than 2 months ago. It was called "Back To The more

  • What To Look For In A Leader

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2023

    The most effective leaders are compelled by a PURPOSE that is GREATER than themselves.

    What To Look For In A Leader Acts 27:1-44 We are only 19 days from Christmas, which is exciting. But did you know we are only 11 months from the presidential election? How exciting (NOT!) That means 11 months of political ads, debates, polling data, and pundits pontificating about potential more

  • Call Me Crazy

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2023

    Our hope in the resurrection will be VINDICATED on the last day. Press forward in confident ASSURANCE because Jesus came out of the grave!

    Call Me Crazy Acts 26:1-32 You know throughout the centuries of human existence there have been those who dared to dream and imagine things that were, to their contemporaries, the epitome of crazy. History has since vindicated them, but at the time they made their bold proclamations, they were more

  • An Inconvenient Truth

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2023

    Do not POSTPONE your response to the gospel. “Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” (Hebrews 3:7-8) TURN from your sin and TRUST in Jesus today!

    An Inconvenient Truth Acts 24’22-27 I’m preaching a message today I’ve entitled, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Some of you may recognize that title. In 2006 Former Vice President Al Gore released a film with the same title as my sermon today. The film was essentially a documentary that followed the more

  • A Visit In The Night

    Contributed on Feb 23, 2023

    Your FAILURE is not FINAL; God has a FUTURE for you!

    A Visit In The Night Acts 22:30-23:35 Let me ask you a question: Have you ever blown it; I mean really blown it? Have you ever done something or said something that negatively affected your Christian witness? I think all of us would admit that we have. I've shared my personal testimony with more

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