  • Tom Jamieson

    Contributing sermons since Jan 16, 2003
Tom's church

First Baptist Church of Ellenton
Palmetto, Florida 34221

About Tom
  • Education: AA, Manatee Community College, Bradenton, FL, 1994; BA, University of South Florida, Sarasota, FL Campus, 1998; MA, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lousiville, KY, 2000
  • Experience: Youth Division Cooridnator, Southside Baptist Church, Sarasota, FL, 1996-1998; Youth Coordinator, First Baptist Church, Lake Placid, FL, 1998; Associate Pastor/Christian Education, Edwardsville UMC, Georgetown, IN, 1998-2001; Associate Pastor/Christian Education, Village Baptist Church, Destin, FL, 2001; Pastor, Indiantown Baptist Church, Indiantown, FL, 2001-2004; Associate Pastor/Music and Christian Education, FBC Manatee, Bradenton, FL, 2005-2009; Senior Pastor, FBC Ellenton, FL, 2009-Present
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I hope the outlines and sermons I share on this website are helpful and useful to all of you, but especially to younger and newer preachers. I remember the difficult times I have faced preparing sermons for the first time and I hope I can help others in the same situation.
  • Family: I have been married to my beautiful wife, Carolyn, for over 11 years. We reside in Sarasota with our five dogs.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: They always have good things to say -- they are my parents, after all!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: "Tom, preach the Word!" - Adrian Rogers
  • What I want on my tombstone: Here lies Tom (we think!)
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  • Facing Partiality

    Contributed on Jan 16, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    “If you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors" (James 2:9). God hates partiality.

    Introduction “Is God biased?” As a Jew, Peter might have thought so. After all, the priests who served Him were Jews, the prophets who proclaimed Him were Jews, and the scholars who described Him were Jews. They were God’s “chosen people” -- the guardians of His Temple and His Law, the more

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