  • Thomas Lanthrip

    Contributing sermons since Sep 17, 2006
Thomas's church

Anderson Chapel
Dumas, Arkansas 71639

About Thomas
  • Experience: 1. 2 1/2 years as youth minister 2. 5 years in pastoral ministry of which 3 years have been full time.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: If you are looking for perfection, move on. If you are looking for honesty stay a while and read on. The sermon reflects the heart of the author as well as his knowledge, theology, and world view out look; so look deeper than the words on the page and you will find someone who loves Christ and sinners.
  • Family: My wife (Lynn) and I have been married for 15 years and have tow children; Bree-Anne 8 and Sykes 2. We are currently in our 3rd pastoral ministry and have been on the field at Anderson Chapel for 14 months.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Mothers, they always love the preaching and if they don’t they still say they do.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: sometimes she asks why did you say that, or you didn’t really mean that did you? She has often remarked after the service by saying, "You made me want to hide under the pew today."
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Be your self
  • Books that have had an impact: The Potters freedom by James White
  • Hobbies: Fishing, hunting and camping as time permits
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Forget the parking lot, the padded pews and the great singing; the reason we are here today is to worship the one only risen Lord.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: In the early years, while in youth ministry I was asked to preach at a small country church. The old country church used metal offering plates without padding in the bottom and half way through the message the button on my jacket poped off, flew high in the air and landed in the offering plate on my left and made the loudest "Ting" in the bottom of the plate.
  • What I want on my tombstone: "He did his best!"
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Newest Sermons

  • The Churches Journey Towards Revival

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    As this passage unfolds it speaks of Solomon’s temple that was erected for the purpose of worshiping Jehovah God, and then dedicated by prayer, sacrifice and finally it was consummated by the presence of God being made manifested by fire. Now, at the clo

    Illustration: A few years back the Lord called my wife and I to Pastor a small community church that had two active deacons; one of which I became very close to during our 2 ½ year tenure. We had noticed the Sunday School record books held a sad truth, the church had been on a gradual decline for more

  • God's Providence In The Deliverance

    Contributed on Nov 8, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The word “providence” holds a certain amount of mystery for many; while with others it’s a term denoting the sovereignty of God. With the children of Israel providence wasn’t just a term it was their life, God was working in them and through them to show

    I. God’s preparation for deliverance Exodus 2:1-10 speaks of the birth of Moses and how God protected him from the evil powers at work in the land of Egypt at that time. Now, Thermuthis the daughter of Pharaoh was moved with compassion upon hearing the babe cry, knowing him to be a Hebrew she more

  • The Necessity Of Revival

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    What necessitates revival? Sin, willful disobedience to the will of God; many have become cold, indifferent, compromising, sick and spiritually weak churches as a result of sin. Why the letters to the seven churches and what have they to teach us, that

    Quote: If you ever moved to a new community and had to select a new church home, you know how difficult it is to examine and evaluate a church and its ministry. Imposing buildings may house dying or dead congregations, while modest structures might belong to virile assemblies on the march for the more

  • The Only Means Of Revival

    Contributed on Nov 4, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    Are you weary from the daily struggles of life? Do you long for a brighter more spiritually uplifting life? There has been and currently is a lot of effort being placed on “Revival”, but the problem is in our methodology; “Revival” cannot be structured by

    Quote: Lord, revive the church—beginning with me. SAMUEL M. SHOEMAKER First things first, Revival is not an evangelistic campaign, neither is it about what I can receive from Jehovah. It can be stated this way by an old statement from Teddy Roosevelt: “Ask not what my country can do for more

  • The Inevitability Of Death & Resurrection

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2006

    Most people have heard the old saying “No one is getting out of this world alive”; well there is much to be considered on this topic. When one sets forth with the intention of preaching expostulation on this topic the question arises, “Must everyman die p

    I. The American cultures view of death Note: since America is so vast in religion, there are many vies on the subject of death and time will only permit a few to be mentioned this morning. 1. The Atheist’s view When asking an Atheist about eternity, life after death and the wonderful more