  • Matthew Blau

    Contributing sermons since Mar 12, 2008
Matthew 's church

Gratiot and Euclid Ave
Gratiot, Ohio 43740

About Matthew
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  • Dropping In

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Zacchaeus was in the right place at the right time! So are we!

    Dropping In Zacchaeus was a small man. No I am not talking about his height. He may have been a short of stature, but in character, he was tiny. Let me explain. In Jesus’ day, the Roman empire had conquered most of the known world. He was born in Bethlehem because the Caesar Augustus decided more

  • Joy Comes In The Morning! Or You Can’t Keep A God Man Down!

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Easter Sunday! proof that God is still working in the midst of our Sorrow and pain!

    Joy Comes in the Morning! or You Can’t Keep a God Man Down! The bad guys had won! They used lies, disseat and they even allied themselves with the enemy! The oppressors, the hated Roman empire to murder Jesus in the most cruel, painful and public way possible. The man they called Friend, leader, more

  • Go Team

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    The Stakes are High our team needs to give our very best

    Go Team! Super bowl Sunday! The Patriots take on the Falcons in a head to head battle. Both teams have worked hard to get to this level of play and it will all be decided tonight. If you don’t care for football, there are other teams playing for your attention. Advertisers have spent more

  • “pictures Of The Church: #5 We Are Soldiers

    Contributed on Jun 29, 2016

    In a time when we want to feel good and be blessed, Paul tells Timothy we Need to be Soldiers

    “Pictures of the Church: #5 We are Soldiers Tomorrow we will celebrate the 4th of July and our countries independence. For 240 years our country has been in existence. The land of the free and the home of the brave. 240 years ago our forefathers took up arms to fight a tyrannical more

  • Trust Me

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Do we Trust God? Really? We need to examine our lives every now and then to see if that is true.

    Trust Me These are two very loaded words. Trust is not something we do easily. And in this world of identity theft, on and offline scams trust can be a dangerous thing to give. In the days of youth group past I have participated several trust exercises. One is the trust walk where one person more

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