  • John Pierce

    Contributing sermons since Oct 27, 2009
John's church

Port Angeles, Washington 98362

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  • Your Prayers: Arrows Or Super Balls

    Contributed on Feb 3, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Our prayers can be purposeful, like arrows... or they can be random like super balls.

    Your Prayers: Arrows or Super balls Arrows and super balls are used for very different things… Pull out an arrow. - An arrow can be a weapon, a tool, something that helps create patience and discipline. An arrow has one job… to fly straight and true ending its flight by fully penetrating its more

  • Changing The World In A Moment

    Contributed on Jan 30, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    When we share our faith, we have the chance to change the world for an individual, and perhaps even thousands of people, in a moment.

    Change the World In a Moment It was likely a day as any other. The work day was over and she was looking forward to spending time at home doing the things she did each night. To look at her, you would not see anything but another woman heading home after a long day at work. You would not see more

  • All That Singing In Church: What's That About?

    Contributed on Jan 18, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    A message addressing some basic issues surrounding the singing part of worship.

    Open: Ask people why we sing in church… have them share in just a few words. Should we sing more… less… more hymns… more upbeat songs… do we need an electric guitar… full drum set going… maybe some rapping. All over our country… really all over the world… the singing in church is seen more

  • Tools For Living: Part 4

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Tools for Living: A healthy, positive relationship with Christ is at the center.

    Talk about the wall… assign “names” to the plates and studs. (ie – church attendance, dressing nicely, going to a bible study, so on… maybe call for input) Then talk about how you could dress it up… drywall… cut off the funny ends… use a bunch of spackle, etc. 1 Sam 16:6,7 6 When they more

  • Tools For Living: Part 2

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Tools for Living - Salvation, The Word and Prayer

    Tools for Living Open with a recap Toolboxes contain items that are both essential and items that are useful. Essential Salvation – No Tool – we don’t really do anything but accept it. Rom 6:23 - 23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[a] Christ Jesus our more

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