  • James O. Davis

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
James O.'s church

Cofounder, Billion Soul Network
Melbourne, Florida 32941

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Newest Sermons

  • Star Wars: The Original Version

    Contributed on Dec 22, 2015

    We too are living in a rapidly changing world. The world we have known in the past is not going to be the world of the future.

    When Michel Gorbechev was President of the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s, a good friend of his became an astronaut and was sent into space for a short, routine mission. The trip was supposed to last for only a few days, but while he was away from planet earth, the government of his country more

  • The Seven Benefits To A Spirit Empowered Church

    Contributed on Dec 22, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you want to have an average church or a normal church? By and large, the average church we find today, the normal church we find in the Word of God.

    Do you want to have an average church or a normal church? By and large, the average church we find today, the normal church we find in the Word of God. Let me ask you a couple more questions. Do you want to be a container or do you want to be a channel? Do you want your church to be a reservoir or more

  • The Conquering Christ Of Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 22, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    Will Christ be the center of your celebration this Christmas season? Are you living for the things that Christ died for?

    Introduction: Will Christ be the center of your celebration this Christmas season? Are you living for the things that Christ died for? The Christian needs to remember that our joy is because of Jesus, our songs because of our Savior, our love because of our Lord, our inheritance is because of more

  • Star Wars: The Original Version

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2015

    Today God is looking for some Baraks who will put their faith and feet together and will believe that God will order the stars in their courses for our good and for His glory. And we will win the battle of Star Wars - the original version!

    Star Wars: The Original Version By Dr. James O. Davis (Hebrews 11:1, 6, 32; Judges 4:1-9; and 5:19-21 NASB) When Michel Gorbechev was President of the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s, a good friend of his became an astronaut and was sent into space for a short, routine mission. more

  • The Seven Benefits To A Spirit-Empowered Church

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2015

    You and your church can become a fountainhead of supernatural revival in your community, city and country.

    THE SEVEN BENEFITS TO A SPIRIT EMPOWERED CHURCH JOHN 7:37-39; EZEKIEL 47 By Dr. James O. Davis Do you want to have an average church or a normal church? By and large, the average church we find today, the normal church we find in the Word of God. Let me ask you a couple more questions. Do more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • More Than One Hundred And Thirty Years Ago, God ...

    Contributed on Nov 2, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    More than one hundred and thirty years ago, God called a man named John Williams to go to the South Pacific Island of Aramonda as a missionary. John Williams, and his friend Mr. Harris, set sail one day to take the Gospel message to a cannibalistic tribe that had never heard about Jesus Christ as more

  • In 1955, President David Eisenhower Was In ...

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    In 1955, President David Eisenhower was in Denver, Colorado, for a few days of business. In the Saturday morning newspaper, one of the president’s aids read a letter to the editor from a teenaged boy with cancer, named Paul Hailey, who expressed his dream of someday, somehow, someway meeting the more

  • Dr. Tim Lahaye Is A Prolific Writer Of This ...

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    Dr. Tim LaHaye is a prolific writer of this generation. He writes a lot concerning theology, family, and other Christian subjects. As a young boy, his father took him to the Henry Ford factory in Dearborn, Michigan, for a tour. One thing that caught his attention was the huge electromagnetic more

  • When I Was A Little Boy, My Brother And I Were ...

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    When I was a little boy, my brother and I were riding on a country road with my father. Our mother was following behind us in another car. My dad asked if I would like to ride with my mother. I thought that was a good idea, so my father stopped the car and let me out on the side of the road. My more

  • Some Time Ago, In Los Angeles, There Was A Person ...

    Contributed on Oct 30, 2003
    based on 4 ratings

    Some time ago, in Los Angeles, there was a person called the “Human Fly.” This man could literally climb the sides of department store buildings and slide along the walls without help from any outside force. He was a master. That’s why they called him the “Human Fly.” One Friday afternoon, a more