  • Jack Martin

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Jack 's church

Praise Family Worship Center A/G
Hudson, Florida 34667
727 863-8989

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Newest Sermons

  • Insight Into The Middle East Fiasco

    Contributed on Mar 31, 2024

    Understanding the conflict in the Middle East that has lasted for centuries

    A few years back I saw the headline in the news, “Doctors without Borders nurse, killed after launching terror attack.” It seems such a strange headline that someone committed to an organization meant to bring comfort would resort to being a terrorist. But truth be told, that is a daily more

  • My Retirement Sermon God Always Has A Replacement

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2023

    Time for leadership Change

    First off I want to thank each of you for being out this morning. It’s a bit of a surreal feeling for me. I don’t suppose I will be long winded this morning so perhaps in my last message you can say that you saw a miracle. Something the Lord has reminded me of recently is that He always has more

  • Pastor Youre Responsible

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2023

    Pastors are call to preach the full counsel of Gods Word

    Today is Pulpit Freedom Sunday The clip played at the offering closed with these words - In the face of Tyranny a silent pulpit is a complicit pulpit Ezekiel 33:6 Just what exactly does Ezekiel 33:6 say Ezekiel 33:6 6 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to more

  • Gods Love Vs Mans

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2023

    There are 3 words for love but only Agape defines fully Gods love

    The love of God – seems those 4 words shouldn’t really be too difficult to understand. But the truth is more often than not they are, and more so today than in generation that came before us. Why is that? Well 1st off God’s love in any of our lives, or in any generation for that matter is more

  • Ladies Please Help Us With Modesty

    Contributed on Dec 5, 2023

    Men by design are stimulated by sight but left outside of God's purpose they lust.

    TITLE: “MODESTY LADIES WE NEED YOUR HELP!” In a few moments, I am going to show a video that I think will serve us best if we understand the heart of what it’s saying, and also what I will be attempting to convey to all of us this morning.. First off, it is important to know we were designed by more

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  • One Way To Understand The Difference Between ...

    Contributed on Mar 24, 2007

    One way to understand the difference between unsaved, saved but not yet filled with the Holy Spirit, or saved and filled with the Holy Spirit is to think of a dish pan filled with clean water and soap. The clean water likened to the Holy Spirit and the Soap the Word of God that changes our filth. more