  • Dr. Jerry Hulse

    Contributing sermons since Jun 15, 2022
Dr. Jerry's church

Miracle Life Church
Valenzuela, Metro Manila 1440

About Dr. Jerry
  • Education: Education - Heart of American Christian University /Honorary Doctorate Philosophy & Theology/ Life Coach / Light University/ Board Certified Mental Health Coach and Mental Health Coach Advocate.
  • Experience: DR. JERRY W. HULSE is a retired 43-year veteran over the road truck driver that is well known throughout the free world by his CB Radio handle call sign, “The Guardian Angel." Dr. Jerry is blessed to be a Christian Author of more than twenty five Inspirational books, many of which were written from the cab of an eighteen wheeler. For many years, his books have been purchased and distributed freely throughout the inner cities of America including many countries throughout the world. God made a way in early 2017, for Dr. Jerry to be recognized by Don Stewart Ministries & Miracle Life Church International Ministry which was founded by the late A.A. Allen. In 2022, under the leadership of Bishop Felipe Ping Alba, Dr. Jerry was licensed and soon to be ordained as the International Evangelist representing Miracle Life Church International Ministry. This recognition helped open doors of opportunity for Evangelist Jerry and his wife Augustina to minister throughout the Philippines. Dr. Jerry is a recognized Mental Health Coach and Mental health Coach Advocate with Light University, and is a board certified Mental health coach through "The American Association of Christian Counselors." More on this author can be found by copying and pasting our website in your browser: & our monthly newsletter called "The Hallelujah Times" can be read from our website: Many of Dr. Jerry and Tin's activities throughout the Philippines are on video by looking up their YouTube channel "Jerry & TinTin Hulse" or copy and paste their URL channel in your browser. " Be Blessed and Be A Blessing!
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I pray these sermon notes bless you as they have me. I never used sermon notes until I had to learn to preach in other countries and it was in these changing opportunities that I discovered that God will anoint my notes as much as he did my hard preaching in the USA for the word is anointed and God will confirm his word with signs following.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: THE GOSPEL IN MOTION Beloved, while ministering these many years throughout the USA, I did not believe in preaching behind a pulpit in front of others from a note pad before me and many services, I did not open my bible to take a text but when I was prompted by the Lord to preach abroad, everything changed especially in the Philippines where you had to preach slow and use an interpreter. In closing, while in the Philippines, I have been blessed to meet and preach for many pastors and the one thing that I discovered is that more and more ministers are visiting their local book stores asking if they have books with sermons in them which is why I have taken some of my old study notes and made some of my inspirational message’s public. You can find more on me from my YouTube channel “Jerry & TinTin Hulse” We have at present 63 sermons on Be Blessed and Be A blessing & Remember: "Those that labor to bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves." Our websites are: & International Evangelist Jerry W. Hulse Ph.D. Miracle Life Church International
  • One of my favorite illustrations: WHAT GOOD IS A WEDDING, WITHOUT THE WINE? The wine here in this setting would represent the Holy Spirit! and Preaching a message to Evangelists and Pastors from around the world using a pencil. We handed out 100 number two lead pencils then used the pencil to illustrate the Power of Evangelism. The graphite under extreme heat and pressure can turn into a real diamond. The graphite in a pencil also can be connected to both ends of jumper cables to produce enough heat to start a fire even in extreme wet conditions. With this knowledge, the little school pencil has value that can change a life and so does the gospel. When we learn the value of grace enough to present it with confidence, we can become a soul winner for the kingdom of God.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: They never lived long enough to see me retire from trucking, but my mother loved my preaching and she loved the book I published in 2011 that had her and my father's photo on the front cover. The book was titled, "Disarming the Principalities/ Knowing Your Authority."
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She loves my sermons and she resonates with some awesome wisdom that God gave her such as being in a dark cave or room and striking a match, she exclaimed that what little bit we do for the kingdom of God can be compared to the flicker and flame of that little match in a dark world!
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The day while driving my big truck and received a phone call from the famous Don Stewart, who informed me, "Jerry, the Lord showed me that your problem in ministry is, "you react to a situation instead of responding to it." Apostle Don went on to explain, "Jerry rush to make quick decisions such as filling vacant places in ministry, but give it some time, pray until you have God's peace in the situation, then respond firmly to your decision." Brother Don called me aside and said; "Jerry my boy, people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care."
  • Books that have had an impact: The Dakes Bible and Bible History Perspectives-The World Christian Movement Haley's Bible Hand Book Biblical Archaeology All of A. W. Tozer Books Wilmington's Guide to the Bible Finney's Systematic Theology Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible Church History by Bruce Shelly CLC Bible Companion First-Century Study Bible Johnathan Cahn The Spurgeon Study Bible The Care and Council Bible These Books are some that I recommend to anyone serious about constructive evangelism.
  • Hobbies: Evangelist Jerry from a youth, loved to plant gardens, He could plow all day long in the hot sun and never take a break because this was like ministry to him and when he would plant his vegetables, he would get down personal with them like God did Adam because all of his vegetables were personal to him and had a name including a personality. Jerry informed someone that when planting his garden, he often thinks of the great intercessor saying "do not cut Jerry down, give me three years to dig around him then if he does not bring forth, we will cut him down." (WHM President-Robert Hale)
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Preach the word for it is life and it will not only bring Lazarus out of his cave of forty years, but it will help get the bad habits and bad way of thinking that we call grave clothes off, and bring people out of their caves of depression and spiritual darkness into the light of god's glory.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: You are not going to believe this: I remember preaching an entire message in a crowded church and everybody in there saw that my fly was open but me. I thought by the hand gestures from some of my friends that my lapel mike was either too loud or not loud enough. Well, beloved, when God pointed it out to me that my fly was open, , I went behind the pulpit and fixed it then walked out and informed the congregation that they may as well laugh, that they all know they want too, and beloved, the entire church burst out in laughter and I did not give an altar call!
  • What I want on my tombstone: A Friend of God
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