  • Doug Gilford

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Doug's church

Cornerstone Assembly of God
Mandeville, Louisiana 70471

About Doug
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Newest Sermons

  • Busting The Hell Out Of Addictions

    Contributed on Sep 23, 2006
    based on 34 ratings

    Sermon to help people be freed from addictions. Used visual illustration, stacking bricks and then breaking them with my don’t try it at home

    Busting the Hell Out of Addictions My goal over the next few weeks is to help you break the power of Satan in your life. To break the chains that hold you and pull down the walls that stop you from fulfilling all you can be in the Lord. Satan’s snares come in many forms…but most common to more

  • Real Independance

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 214 ratings

    This is a look at the Declaration of Independance and Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

    This weekend many people will be celebrating Independence Day in a variety of ways. Some people travel to see loved ones, and others just stay home with the family. Some people will shoot fireworks, while others enjoy just watching them go off. We celebrate this holiday because of what more

  • For This Cause Were You Created!

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 96 ratings

    This sermon attempts to answer Why we exist

    Have you ever wondered why you were born? Why God breathed life into your body? Have you ever wondered what God has in store for your life ahead? The fact of the matter is that 94% of people today are just enduring today while waiting for the future. But we must understand that ALL we more

  • Jesus' Church, Is It Our Church?

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Comparing our current church to Jesus’

    Mark 2:1-7 Introduction: There are many, many types of churches today. Some that use instruments, and some that don’t. Some that are liturgical, and some that are non-liturgical. Some that are right and some that are wrong. There are the: Assembly of God, Church of God, Church of Christ, more

  • Principles Of Spiritual Growth

    Contributed on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 181 ratings

    These are spiritual growth principles

    In every area of our life, there should be signs of growth. We should experience growth in our marriage, in our families, at our jobs, at our churches, in regards to our income, and our relationship with Christ. In fact referring to our Christian walk, the writer of Hebrews tells more

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