  • Dale Pilgrim

    Contributing sermons since May 23, 2005
Dale 's church

Salvation Army
Toronto, M4H1P4
(416) 998-4498

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  • Glorifying God In The Grit (Palm Sunday)

    Contributed on Apr 3, 2018

    Jesus sought to glorify God in the grit of everyday life. When this is our focus the realities of life have purpose, even when, especially when, we're wadding through the slug of the tough stuff.

    GLORIFYING GOD THROUGH THE GRIT Scripture: John 16:32-17:5 Text – John 17: 1, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you.” There are many people considered to be great people – people in their lifetimes who were called upon to live for other people and they more

  • Restoring The Broken

    Contributed on Jan 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The lame beggar was over 40 years of age (Acts 4:22) and spent every day in the same place the whole of his life. He is a representation of any person living out their lives without an “other” context.

    I was browsing the internet a few days ago – news stories about the “same old, same old”. “Same old” suggests “nothing has changed” and speaks to those things that frustrate us or annoy us. We can easily slip between boredom and depression because nothing ever seems to change or improve. It could more

  • After God's Heart

    Contributed on Jun 20, 2017

    David was a polygamist, adulterer and murdered. He was deceptive. He never meted out justice and was irresponsible with the crimes committed under his own roof. How does a man with that track-record get God's blessing with, "A man after my own heart"?

    After God’s Heart Psalm 19:1-14; 1 Samuel 13:14 On this Father's Day, I am led to a man of men, a prince of princes and a statesman of politicians. He was a poet, musician and military leader who conquered nations and put fear in his enemies. The most profound accomplishment that would be a more

  • Faith In Action

    Contributed on May 30, 2017

    I used this devotional message in a retirement home. It is intended to encourage those who lived a life of faith and leaves a legacy of faith.

    Faith in Action Hebrews 11:39-12:3 President Abraham Lincoln met with a group of ministers for a prayer breakfast during the Civil War. One of the ministers suggested to the President that they pray that God will be on their side. Lincoln’s deep insight prompted the response, "Let us prayer more

  • With One Mind

    Contributed on May 30, 2017

    Emphasis on being witnesses of Jesus and the foundational place of prayer and the unity of God's people in that journey.

    May 28, 2017 Seventh Sunday of Easter With One Mind Acts 1:6-14 Swiss Chalet has a new commercial for their Crispy Chicken special. It is funny to watch as one lone customer, taking a bite says, "This is SO good, I have to tell everyone…immediately!” Then we see him scooting down the street more

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  • Not Home Yet

    Contributed on Feb 15, 2012

    NOT HOME YET Author Anne Graham Lotz told a story in her book, "Heaven, My Father's House". It is the story of an old missionary named Samuel Morrison who had spent twenty five years doing ministry in Africa. He returned to America on the same ocean liner that brought President Teddy Roosevelt more

  • Korean Cell Churches

    Contributed on Nov 9, 2011

    KOREAN CELL CHURCHES Assemblies of God Church in Seoul, Korea: It started in 1958 when Paul Yonggi Cho (later David) held a service in his friend’s home with her three children. Passionate desire to share Christ by inviting other people to their home church soon resulted in exponential growth. more

  • Rubbing Shoulders With God

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2011

    RUBBING SHOULDERS WITH GOD We visited Our Lady of Quebec, the Cathedral Basilica in old Quebec City. I had a plethora of emotions upon entering this bastion of structures, dating back 365 years, having been built in 1647. It continues its stately gaze as the oldest parish church in North more

  • Point Of View Is Everything

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2011

    POINT OF VIEW IS EVERYTHING ABC's "The View" - the winner of the 2003 Daytime Emmy® Award for "Outstanding Talk Show" as quoted by its own website! ABC News correspondent Barbara Walters, the renowned Whoopi Goldberg, comedian Joy Behar, actress/comedian Sherri Shepherd, and The Australian more

  • Pretend-Worship

    Contributed on Sep 5, 2011

    PRETEND-WORSHIP Pretend-worship is the picture of a little boy looking up at his dad as a bird lies dead at his feet. His open, palms-up hands are accompanied with the caption at the bottom of the picture: "It wasn't me daddy". But, as we're more