
Summary: Paul wrote, "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity show yourself to be an example to all the believers." There is something powerful in a godly example that silences all critics.

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Illustration: During the seven years I worked as a Youth Pastor in southern California the Lord showed me the importance of abiding by the truth in I Timothy 4:12. Paul wrote, "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity show yourself to be an example to all the believers." There is something powerful in a godly example that silences all critics. One youth Pastor proved to be such a great example that more than 350 of the youth who passed through his ministry are in full time Christian work today. They all say, "It is because of His godly example that I felt the Lord urged me to do the same."

The following are some Biblical examples and guidelines that can be useful for you in youth ministries.

Quote: Remember those who led you who spoke the word of God to you and considering the outcome of their way of life, imitate their faith. (Heb. 13:7)

1. The Lord’s priority is to build Godly character in people who will bring Him greater glory

A. Greater glory to the Lord comes through people of greater Godly character

B. Greater glory to the Lord comes through people who are examples of Godliness

C. Greater glory to the Lord comes through people’s good speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. (I Tim. 4:12)

2. The Lord used Joseph as a youth for greater glory through His fine example

A. Greater glory to the Lord came through Joseph’s obedience to his father. (Gen 37:13,14)

B. Greater glory to the Lord came through Joseph’s purity among non-believers (Gen 39:7-9)

C. Greater glory to the Lord came through Joseph’s wisdom in the way He honored God through trials. (Gen. 41:16,25)

3. The Lord used Ruth as person who followed the Lord regardless of criticisms

A. Greater glory to the Lord came through Ruth’s willingness to leave her closest friends for the God’s purposes

B. Greater glory to the Lord came through Ruth’s devotion to Naomi - her mother-in-law. (Ruth 1:16,17)

C. Greater glory to the Lord came through Ruth’s willingness to go to a strange place where she did not know the answers to all of her questions. (Ruth 2:3-18)

4. The Lord used Hezekiah as a person who lived a life worthy of Lord in most respects

A. Greater glory to the Lord came through Hezekiah’s living a righteous life before the Lord. (2 Kings 18:3)

B. Greater glory to the Lord came through Hezekiah’s purging Judah of id olatry. (2 Kings 18:4)

C. Greater glory to the Lord came through Hezekiah’s restoring Judah to the worship of the Lord.(2 Chronicles 31:2-4)

5. The Lord used Timothy as one who was willing to sacrifice much to associate with a Godly mentor in Paul the apostle. Ask the Lord to give you teachable people to work with.

A. Greater glory to the Lord came through Timothy’s good reports that he received from other Christians. (Acts 16:1,2)

B. Greater glory to the Lord came through Timothy’s faithful ministry with Paul to the churches. (I Thes. 3:2)

C. Greater glory to the Lord came through Timothy’s ministry in a difficult situation at Corinth. (I Cor. 4:17)

6. The Lord used Daniel as a young man who was wholly dedicated to the Lord

A. Greater glory to the Lord came through Daniel who purposed in his heart that he would serve the Lord regardless of the cost. (Dan. 1:8)

B. Greater glory to the Lord came through Daniel who was given greater wisdom from God because of his singleness of purpose. (Dan. 1:17)

C. Greater glory to the Lord came through Daniel because he used his wisdom for the greater accomplishment of God’s sovereign purposes. (Dan. 2:27-45)

7. The Lord used Solomon because he asked God for spiritual wisdom as a special time in his youth. Then the Lord used Him to write the book of Proverbs to his son so other youth would benefit as well. Youth is a time of great teachability and influence.

A. Greater glory to the Lord came through Solomon’s great writings in Proverbs

B. Greater glory to the Lord came through Solomon’s prayers of faith

C. Greater glory to the Lord came through Solomon’s temple that he built for the Lord

8. The Lord used Josiah in the way he did right despite all of the opposition he faced

A. Greater glory to the Lord came because Josiah did that which was right in the Lord’s sight instead of men. ((2 Kings 22:2)

B. Greater glory to the Lord came because Josiah purged both Judah and Jerusalem from idolatry. (2 Chron. 34:3,5)

C. Greater glory to the Lord came because Josiah restored the worship as the priority of his people. (2 Chron. 34:8,35)

9. The Lord used Jesus as the perfect youthful example in the way He grew in wisdom, stature, and favor and with God and men. (Luke 2:52)

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