
Summary: You ought to praise God for your victories!!!

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In this walk of following the Lord Jesus Christ, I have found some interesting, stimulating, and thought-provoking information that I would invite you to share with me that will help us in our daily battle’s against Satan and all of his wicked devices.

So, that when you get through with all of our hollering, your screaming, your kicking, fighting, cussing and fusing what you need to do is learn how to praise.

Because what I have found out is that Praise explodes stronghold, praise paves the path to victory, praise allows you to get out of the way and it allows God to have his way. And this is what help me, I remember in Acts 16 how it recounts the story of Paul and Silas in the Philippians jail, and how it was reported that when they were in trouble one sung a song, and the other prayed a prayer. And I believe that they did this because they understood how to get into the presence of God and how to connect with God. And I must tell you this morning that one true way to get into the presence of God is through praise and worship, and not through fighting, and a hostile takeover. Choir that why it’s so important to show up for rehearsal when we are able and then show up on Sunday morning, because you have such of a important job to do, and that it is to help usher the Saints of God into the presence of God. I can hear somebody say well it just don’t take all of that I don’t need to do all of that rehearsing, well then you are disobedient to the Word of God, because in Judges 5:11 it teaches us to rehearse the righteous acts of God.

To my Pastor’s and preachers we don’t have time to worry about how God is going to fix it, all we need to know is that God is going to fix it. preacher we need to be praising God and teaches others to praise God.

Psalm 22:2-4 declares -- O my God, I cry in the daytime but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am silent. But thou art holy O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted, and thou didst deliver them. What was happening was Paul and Silas simply followed in their father’s footsteps, and they began to praise God in their situation, in troubled times they followed the mandate of how to get God’s attention. And I’m here to tell somebody this morning, and I’m here to tell somebody, no matter what kind of calamities you are going through, it doesn’t matter how catastrophe the situation might look, it doesn’t matter how much of a disaster the report seems I dare you to start praising God, and stop fussing about it, because when you start praising God things starts to happen. Let me ask you a question since you don’t think I’m talking to you. Where has you fight got you, where has your cussing got you, beside getting all frustrated, your blood pressure ran up, and you still mad.

I know that they are about to turn your lights off but I dare you to praise God

I know that they threatening to lay you off of your job but praise God anyhow

I know that you have seen your man for two week still praise God.

Yeah we know that the food stamp has been cut, the child support check hasn’t come in, the refrigerator is going out, the air conditioner isn’t working, they lost your time sheet at work and your car note is due and if you don’t make a payment by tomorrow they are going to repo it, but I dare you to start praising God. The storm hit early this week, and the tree that was in my entire drive way, I couldn’t get out, didn’t know how I was going to get out, I got on FB and shared the blessing of how God had kept us, I was praising God for what he did, and before I could get off of the live, the phone was ringing, text messages was coming through, within an hour the tree was gone. David showed up, Jeffery showed up, Slaughter showed up, Purnell and Evans showed up, Buck showed up, and you know God was in the plan because Berry showed up. And when we got through we fellowshipped, prayed and praise God for what he had done.

The original meaning of the word praise, comes from the Hebrew word Barak, which means to bless God. You ought to learn how to bless God in your situation.

I love what Psalm 71:14 says when it screams off the pages to me -- But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.

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