
Summary: Everyone life needs a turning point. Abraham found his when he chose to believe the promise of God. He just believed and was counted as set-right-with-God.

Your Turning Point

I want to share a very simple yet very powerful message for your life tonight.

It does not matter where you find yourself in life. It does not matter where you have been or what you have done in life. It does not matter what mistakes that you have made in the past. It does not matter if you have failed over and over again or even if you never tried at all. Right now… at this moment you have an opportunity to have a Turning Point in your life. Think about this for a second. Do not be quick to dismiss this or to tune me out. You have the chance today to make a life changing decision that you will remember for all your days.

This is such an important moment and opportunity from God that He called us to start this church here in Cleburne. It is the very heartbeat of our vision and purpose that we named this new church “Turning Point”. We are called to share the good news, to offer hope and to let people know that they do have an opportunity before them. That all is not lost!

This is not just a one victory moment either. This is the path that will lead to victory after victory after victory. We are going to help you to expect to be victorious in all things in life.

It is about helping you to change what you believe thereby changing what you receive out of life. The very best thing that could happen to you is that you would believe what God says about you more than what you have seen, done or experienced.

You see the mistakes of the past are the past. The problems you encountered in your yesterdays are just that… problems you had and perhaps are still carrying with you. The thing that so many people are guilty of is allowing the echoes of the past to be the voice of the future. I am here to tell you that you have listened to the past for too long and now is the time to experience a life filled with hope, with purpose and with a plan.

A life looked at with eyes of faith will begin to look much different. It is amazing what you will see.

A rusty old car in a junk yard may look like what it is…junk But in the eyes of a mechanic he sees a classic automobile that will turn heads once he has the opportunity to shape and rebuild it.

Your life at times may look like something of not much value… perhaps in your hands it is a mess. But when God looks at your life He does not see junk. He sees a life that if given the opportunity He can shape and rebuild it and make it better than you ever dreamed possible. No matter how bad it seems to you… God can always make something incredible out of it.

How do you think your life would look if God really had a chance with it?

When you came in here some things might have looked like tragedy or defeat to you but I believe in the hands of God if you looked again you might just see them as an opportunity for victory to God.

What might look like a marriage on the way to divorce to you; looks like an opportunity for restoration once God is involved.

What looks like certain financial ruin and a life of struggling with bills to you, looks like a great opportunity to teach someone about the blessings of God when their finances are His.

What may be declared an incurable disease to you is a miracle of healing just waiting to happen! Don’t believe it? Well God does.

A life that looks sad, depressed and has no hope is just a life that is empty of the promises of God… it is easily corrected. It just needs to be filled with the life changing promises of God.

No matter what your life looks like to you today, I can assure you that its present state is not the way that God sees it. You can only see your today while God is looking at your tomorrow. You only see what your life is while God see’s what it can be!

You might be doing all that you can but that should only prove to you that you cannot do it on your own and it is the time, the opportunity to live your life according to what God has planned for you.

Today I want to look at a passage of scriptures about Abraham and what he did when he was in your place. This scripture is the very essence of who we are as a church and the message we want to relay to those in our community. Read with me if you will in Romans 4: 1-3 am reading this out of the Message Bible as it states it so perfectly for this message.

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