Your Soul Is So Valuable
Contributed by Herb Pulse on Jan 30, 2024 (message contributor)
Summary: Do you fully understand the value of your soul, and what value God places upon it.
How valuable is our soul?
When we truly understand in the Spirit the joy we have in Christ and that which is to come, how easily we can recognize that this world has nothing to offer us, how truly poor are this worlds possessions and desires, that then it becomes easy to deny the flesh and value the soul.
Jesus said what doth it profit a man if he gain the whole world, think about that, the whole world, there are people that would gladly lower themselves to be the most despicable person they could be to just gain a very small piece of the pie, of the world.
Back to Jesus words, if he gain the whole world, and lose his soul.
The most precious commodity a person has is their soul.
No one can give anything in exchange for its value.
We see people everyday and in every walk of life placing zero value on their soul, treating this life with no regard for eternity, living every every day for greed, and lust, disdain for others, or else on the other hand thinking they can be good enough, righteous enough in themself, their good works, under the delusion that being a good old boy makes for Heaven and a righteous soul, but to the same affect, both conditions of being bad or being good both reap the reward of hell without having a relationship with Jesus Christ.
There is a reward or payment, if you will, for being the servant of sin.
Romans 6:23… For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
What a contrast, what a great gulf between these two circumstances. People earn the death through sin, but the God of all glory applies eternal life to all who receive the gift of God in receiving Christ Jesus. How God is truly so welcoming to anyone who will simply call upon Him today. Romans 10:13… For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Truly God wants souls, and yearns for the souls of all mankind to spend eternity in Heaven.
So simple to most of us, but so profound to remember, the beautiful scripture of John 3:16… For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
God values you and I, and more so God loves you and I
Jesus is the only way to Heaven. John 14:6…Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Picking up the cross of Christ, living our life in recognition of him every day, knowing it is the blood of Jesus that has redeemed us, being unashamed to be a Christ follower, blood bought child of God, having been raised up by the power of God. Not holding the value of this world which is aligned with corruption and all moral decay, nor being self righteousness, but unto us who hold to God’s unchanging hand, abiding under the shadow of the Almighty, feasting at Gods table as He bids us to come and dine. To us, though we be ridiculed, though we be put to the test, though we be pressed upon, yet we find ourselves purged and protected, we find ourselves still safe and secure, to us the Redeemed of God, there is a joyous payday to end all paydays.
The Lord is telling us the value of our soul that rests in Him, will enjoy a perfection and a payoff, that will make the valuable things of our current world look like but a dung hill. Oh what riches we have awaiting that will make it worth it all, oh what delights await us, what splendor, but above all being with Jesus and every radiant moment our soul has never experienced, but always yearned to, will one day be our permanent experience for eternity. What a day that will be!
If a man were to gain the whole world and think he can give it as a ransom for his soul in his end it will not be enough. He will find his soul to be irrecoverable in that day. No price will retrieve it. He will eternal be banished from the divine presence of God for eternity and will experience the sufferings of hell.
Praise God for the love in which he loves you and me! He values your very soul! God will not permit His love for you and I to ever be diminished, nor will God ever stop caring and valuing your very soul! God bless!