
Summary: Did you know that you go through seasons of life? In the seasons of the year, you find that certain things happen in the summer that don’t happen in the winter? You need to understand the seasons in your life to enjoy a richer life!

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One morning in March, I opened my front door and was knocked down by a gust of wind. As I got up off the ground, I noticed that not only has the weather changed but my surroundings were starting to change. Flowers that were once withered were now showing small buds of flowers. The bushes that were brown and almost barren were now bursting forth with green leaves. As I look at the changes in nature, the Holy Spirit impressed in my heart that not only are we entering into a new season in the natural, but there is also a new season in the Spirit as well.

I looked up the definition of the word “season” and found one of its meaning was “an appropriate time”. Many of us are in different times in our life - perhaps you are in spring, summer, fall or the winter of your life. Perhaps you are a young mother who dreams of the day the children are grown and you can go forth and finish your education...or perhaps you are in your just starting a career and can’t wait to be President of the company...or perhaps you are in your latter years and the children are gone and you haven’t quite figured out what to do next. No matter what season of your life you are in, it’s the appropriate time for you.

God wants you to walk in your season that you are currently experiencing and learn the lessons. This guarantees that you will receive the maximum benefits and blessings He has in store for you.

You may be asking the question, “How do I get the most out of the season in my life I am in?”

1. You must walk by FAITH and not by sight.

In any season, it is critical for you to understand the ABC’s of faith. Before you could begin to learn to cursive write, you had to learn how to print. I remember I was so mad at my teacher for making me print the letters over and over again until I mastered how to print letters. I didn’t understand that she was teaching me how to hold the pencil and steady it to prepare for cursive writing. I didn’t see where she was going and I had no faith in her ability to know what she was doing. All I wanted was to write in cursive!

Hebrews 11:1 states the ABC’s of faith: “Now faith is the assurance of the things hoped for, being the proof of things we do not see and the conviction of their reality”. (Ampl Bible) In other words, faith is trusting God before you see the manifestation of the thing you are hoping for.

I ask you today, “Where is your faith today or whom is your faith in”? Is God really your source? I am not talking about God as a source, but the ONLY source. Do you really believe by faith that God will do what He says He will do? I am an absolute witness that you can rejoice now knowing that the thing you hoped for will come to pass in the season you are in.

2. You must understand that God wants to anoint you with fresh oil for the harvest.

God is looking throughout the earth to find someone who will allow His power to be released through this generation. His power is released through His anointing on those who want to operate in His power.

David wrote in Psalm 92:10: I have been anointed with fresh oil. In the Old Testament, the anointing was demonstrated by use of the holy anointing oil. Three Old Testament words, nashach meaning "to rub", suk meaning "to pour out", and balal meaning "to overflow", can be used to describe how God applies the Holy Spirit to us.

God first rubs the oil allover us. David said, "He has anointed my head with oil and my cup is running over." Next, God fills us with the anointing causing us to be broken and poured out. The word for pouring out implies that you can release the anointing yourself.

Finally the anointing overflows from you to bring in the harvest. This is illustrated by Ezekiel’s vision of the river flowing from God’s throne. First it was ankle-deep, then knee- deep, then waist-deep, and finally above his head. When the river was head-deep, Ezekiel saw that it was full of fish -- a great harvest. In the New Testament we learn that the anointing is the Holy Spirit Himself.

God wants to use you to demonstrate His power to this generation. He wants you to learn the lessons and experiences through the seasons of your life. You may endured tests and trials, but endeavor to stand still until God delivers you. By standing, His anointing is poured out greater upon your life and you will see more of the manifested presence of God in your life as you reach the harvest.

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