"Your Presence Is Fullness Of Joy”
Contributed by Sol Madlambayan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Joy in the midst of chaos & tribulations is possible because of God through Jesus Christ.
“Your Presence is Fullness of Joy”
Psalm 16: 11 “You will show me the path of life, In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”
Praise the Lord! Today is another opportunity to worship God in Spirit and truth. Sunday is always a special day and an event that my hearts longs for, another chance to see you once again in the name of Jesus Christ.
In my Bible which is the NKJV, I’ve found out that there is only one verse pertaining Worry which is found in Mt 6: 25.
While the word Joy there are 17 verses plus another 2 verses about the word Joyful.
Isn’t it interesting to note that even in the Bible, the word Worry was not mentioned too often simply because as Christians we should and always embrace the positive aspect of our Christian life and that is Joy.
Although we do not discount the fact that we are not exempted to sufferings and tribulations.
But I tell you, there’s a way out from troubles and worries.
Hudson Taylor, a missionary to China and founder of what is known today as the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, gave this excellent advice:
"Let us give up our work, our plans, ourselves, our lives, our loved ones, our influence, our all, right into [God’s] hand; and then, when we have given all over to Him, there will be nothing left for us to be troubled about."
Hudson Taylor was right when we give everything to God nothing is left for us to be worried about.
We can do that and we are capable to comprehend such thing because of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We cannot ignore the fact that majority of human beings have no personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
They know about Jesus Christ but their life is full of discontentment, there is no satisfaction and no joy because they are not connected and hooked up to the source of real Joy.
Because there is joy in Jesus Christ in the midst of chaos and trouble and joy is an attitude of the heart. We can have joy depending on who is in the throne of our heart.
Sad to say, what is happening is this nation gives me a goose-bumps
because mentioning the word Jesus Christ may put you in hot water.
What would you think will happen to people if they take away the name of Jesus in our midst. Jesus is our joy!
But, can we prevent the real Christians to witness about Jesus Christ since we know that He is only “the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Him.” John 14: 6
I should say, we are so blessed even though in some places proclaiming the name of Jesus is prohibited but still we can worship Him in the open , we can carry our Bibles, we can have Bible Studies and Prayer Meetings in the open.
Praise the Lord for that.
So we should take advantage of this opportunity to witness for Christ.
There is no other person here on earth that can save human beings from the penalty of sins and the torments of hell .
Only Jesus Christ has that full authority and power to forgive us and redeem us from eternal punishment.
We cannot rely or we cannot use our influence and good works to erase our sins. What we need is the blood of Jesus Christ and the grace of God.
John 1: 29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold!
The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”
No one else, but Him alone.
King David said, “You will show me the path of life, In Your presence is fullness of joy;”
The word You refers to God. God will show us the path of life.
This is an important reminder for all of us, that God is the source of our life.
Not the cosmos, not the nature, not the ability of any medical advancement, but God.
What God design is for us to walk in the real path of life that will lead us to eternal life, a life with meaning and purpose.
Life with satisfaction and peace and Joy in our hearts.
We need to value the life God has entrusted us. We need to seek the real partner in living this life. We need God to fill the emptiness within us.
There is a God shaped vacuum within our heart that only God can fit in that not even our beloved spouse, our good paying job nor any other things we treasure so much can fill in.
It’s only God who can complete that portion of us.