You Reap What You Sow
Contributed by Randall Lavere Ii on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: God said "as long as the earth remains, so shall seedtime and harvest. This message is a look into several biblical examples, and how we can relate them to our lives
You reap what you sow.
Galatians 6:7-9
What goes around comes around.
This is a simple message, nothing too deep or complicated, but very often understated.
In garden season you can only harvest what you plant. If you plant tomatoes, you will not reap potatoes. Corn-turnips, peppers-cucumbers….etc.
The same is true in our lives, as the bible says whatever a man sows, that will he reap. Sowing to the flesh=corruption, while sowing to the spirit=life everlasting.
This text is actually talking about eternal life, but I feel as though the Lord is leading us in a different direction.
We are talking about life. Its not just enough to know the word of God, but the most important thing that we can do is know the God of the word. Its important that we sow continually to the spirit, so that we can be the most effective for the kingdom of God.
Often times in life, the thing that discourages us from sowing, is fear. The desire of the enemy is to have you so full of fear, that you will not even attempt to sow to your spirit.
I say fear because that is the driving force behind the enemy. I heard a quote at graduation, that said it is not the fear of failure that causes people not to succeed, it is the fear of the greatness that is within you.
Hear me now, Many of you know that God has placed a seed of some great gifts within you, but it is the fear of where that gift will take you, that has prevented you from being all that God has created you to be.
Eccl. 11:4 He who watches the wind, will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap.
Do not let what the situation looks like, distract you from sowing. Do not let the fear of God taking you out of your comfort zone, stop you from doing what God has called you to do.
What the bible is saying, is that if you are always waiting for the timeing to be right, you will never sow like you are supposed to. He who looks at the clouds, will not reap. If you always wait for the tables to turn, you will miss your blessing.
God taught in the book of Genesis, to Noah after the flood, As long as the earth remains, there will always be seedtime and harvest. They shall not cease.
Seedtime and harvest are never going to cease. This is true in every aspect of life. When God created the plants, which had seed within themselves, he said “it is good”
God said it is good, when he saw that everything that he had made had the ability to reproduce. When he had finished, he saw that it was very good.
Many of us could really learn a lesson from the first chapter of Genesis, just in God saying it is good. We never give ourselves credit for the things that God does in our lives. Occasionally, when we have taken a few steps forward, we need to stop and say to ourselves it is good.
It is good that I am not where I used to be. It is good that I’m on my way somewhere, it is good that God chose me to be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. It is good that He called me, and ordained me to be a prophet to the nations, it is good.
I’m not where I need to be, but thank God, I am not where I used to be.
When you remind yourself that it is good, it encourages you to keep on going. We don’t need someone to tell us when we fall short, we know when we fall short, It is not my job to tell you what you can’t do, the spirit of God will do that, Its my job to tell you what you can do.
Celebrate in steps. When David was bringing the ark of the covenant back into Jerusalem, he stopped and celebrated every six paces for where the Lord was bringing them to. They would stop and offer up a sacrifice of oxen and fatlings.
This is where the bible says that he danced with all of his might before the Lord.
This is the psychology behind rewarding a child when they do something that you tell them to do. You are saying it is good.
When a child gets praise for small things that he or she does, they will continue to do that thing in their lives. When you recognize the things that they do are good, you are sowing seeds into their lives, which will produce actions later on.
Your words are seeds. The things that come out of your mouth become effective when they are communicated to someone. The words that you speak will eventually bring forth a harvest in you life. Pr. 18:21-