
Summary: It is the most freely given and withdrawn thing in the whole wide world and also the most misused and abused. There is an abundance and both a lack of it, in the world today and it always gives more than it receives. What is it? Its......

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You do know, "you have “access to it”,"

Don’t You?

Access to what you might be wondering?

“It” is a very big subject, would you like a clue as to what I’m talking about, this morning?

It is the most freely given and withdrawn thing in the whole wide world and also the most misused and abused.

There is an abundance and both a lack of it, in the world today and it always gives more than it receives.

What is it? Its Love, and right along with it, stuck to it and inseparable from it, is Grace.

Love is grace and grace is love

Both definitions are very similar and even though the world may not be a where of it, both gifts for humankind are in super abundance,

Because they were chosen to be extended and given by God to all who will accept them, freely given with no strings attached.

No matter what, or if any response is given in return,

God just keeps on giving and extending them and staying true to His word.

That’s what’s known as an agape love; a love that is not sexual, but wholly selfless and spiritual, not determined by actions or deeds.

This is the purest form of love there is, that’s the kind of love that God loves us with.

Did you know that most people (and were talking about a vast majority of all people including Christians)

never fully walk in or receive all that God has for them, because they don’t really realize and accept, how much He truly loves them,

And that He loves them enough to give it to them, Solely based on that premise alone, just because!

Its kind of like getting a raise at your job, even when always clocking in late for work and your not even related to the boss,

But they say we’ll give it to you anyways, even though you’ve done nothing to deserve it, “just because we want to!

And you say thank you, no questions asked and you immediately start to enjoy the benefits, even though you don’t deserve them at all?

It doesn’t even enter your mind, the fact that you don’t even deserve them!

How is that possible? How’s come, that would be such an easy scenario for you to participate in,

Some of you might be thinking, that would be the best job ever!

Maybe so,

But tell me why, when God has offered His wonderful Grace and Favor, for being on His team,

you walk away empty handed, more times than not, feeling unworthy to receive them?

Listen up, i want you to know and understand one of the most amazing things ever revealed to mankind!

God loves you enough, no matter how you may feel, to go ahead and give His Goodness to you anyway,

yes even you who don’t think you deserve it, Praise God!

Yes even you, have “complete and undeniable access to Gods Love, Grace” and Favor. Thank You Jesus!!

Don’t waste one more minute of your life, without letting the One who created you,

fill up your life with the love, the grace and goodness only He is capable of giving and realize continually that you have it!!

You know, Hollywood has made some of the greatest love stories of all time, into movies and shared them with the world.

But, all of them combined, fail in comparison to the Love, that God has shown for mankind and the Love He has for you!

If you remember nothing else from today, I want you to know,

How much God Loves you and truly longs to show you His goodness and giving nature towards you,

All made possible, by His Grace and Favor, He has already freely given and made abundantly available, for you to enjoy!

John 3:16 NKJ

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It’s not enough to know this verse by heart, you must know the One whom this verse if referring to!

Why did God give His only begotten Son? Because He loves us!

You will never walk in, realize and enjoy, all that God has truly given to you, until you completely understand, “How much He Loves you!”

Matt. 25:29 NKJ

29 ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.

Have you come across people who have little and hold it tightly in their grasp?

Yet, even that little is taken away from them?

On the other hand, there are those who already have much, they freely give, yet they receive even more.

Jesus said, “To everyone who has, more will be given. From him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”

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