
Summary: God has already supernaturally provided for every situation that we will ever come up against, all ready been there, summed up the situation and made provisions, for you to be standing with your chest out and you’re head held high, when it’s over!

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"You can trust me" Go ahead and Jump!

I don’t think that, there’s any parent that has not said those exact words to one of their children, be it by a pool side or something else that required them to jump, as the form of their only exit.

All the while patiently standing there to catch them, with open arms!

It’s the same way with God and the wonderful, amazing Grace that He extends to each of us!

I remember on more than one occasion, having to convince a young child to let me throw them up in the air, out in the open water in a swimming pool.

And only after they felt both the thrill of the moment and the safety of my presence, did they say these three words repeatedly, "do it again"

Until the point I became exhausted.

It’s the same way with God, He really wants to help and take care of His children, only He never grows tired of hearing those words, asking Him to do it again.

That’s where a lot of people fall short in their relationship with Him, oh they trust Him most of the time, but He wants you to know and I think most of us, all ready know,

That there is so much more available to us, when we live in that trust all the time, knowing that whatever may happen, it’s all okay, because He’s always right there to catch us, when we fall!

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

When you rely on the Grace that God freely gives, the grace Jesus is talking about here,

There is a peace that comes with it and there’s nothing, I repeat in this world that can compare with it, it’s beyond understanding, it’s no wonder it’s called amazing! Amen?

it only comes by trusting God, with everything you have and its a sad reality but some people never completely experience it,

and yet for some people in their life, its just seems to flow freely.

one thing is for sure, once you’ve experienced it and you have enjoyed the completely stress free wave of inexhaustible favor and grace that He has available,

For those who will walk in it, accept it and believe it,

one thing is for sure, once you’ve tasted it, you don’t want it to ever stop!

Why would you? It’s what the whole world is looking for, through everything that you can imagine under the sun, but can’t seem to find it!

Guess why, because it can’t be found in the world!

It can’t be found in, people, places or things. Though some people spend their whole lives looking in all the wrong places, for something that doesn’t exist, trying to find it!

People, will let you down every time

Self effort, always comes up short, every time!

It can only be found in God and a trusting relationship with Him, through His Son Jesus!

And you know a lot of people, they know they should have one, but they don’t seek God for guidance, or help, unless its an emergency, unless its totally something that’s beyond their control!

They just keep marching out of His ordered steps, of the abundant life that He has for them, to the beat of a different drummer.

And that guy, thats playing the drum, he can’t even keep the beat!

their lives and the way that they act is ruled by everything, by the drama that happens around them, instead of by the one who they claim lives in them!

Always the victim, seldom the victor! That’s not the abundant life that God had in mind for His Childen.

Sometimes I think Christians and for that matter, all people need to be reminded, that as long as God is on their side and in their life,

there is nothing that come against them, no matter how bad it may seem.

The old adage is, don’t sweat the small stuff, and God wants you to know, it’s all small when you lay your burden down at Jesus feet!

The key, is to not only lay it down, but to walk away and leave it there! Amen?

God has already supernaturally provided for every situation that we will ever come up against, all ready been there, summed up the situation

and made provisions, for you to be standing with your chest out and you’re head held high, when it’s over!

we need to grasp ahold of and lock onto the grace and peace of God and hang on to it at all times, good or bad and realize with God, it’s all good, no matter what happens!

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