You Can't Have My Blessing Devil!!
Contributed by Keenan Darnell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Everyday our fellow christians lose out on the blessings of God simply by giving up. A blessing is truly worth fighting for no matter how big or small.
Text Exodus 1 7-19B
Here we are in a familiar portion of scripture, the children of Israel are still enslaved by Egypt. A new King is set forth in Egypt by the name of Pharoah, who might I add does not know Joseph ( Joseph died 144 years before Isreal left Egypt, or 64 years before Moses was born.) One of the first things the new king notice’s is the large number of Israelites they have enslaved, so the first thing on the new king’s agenda is to deal with them. You see he is fearful that the children of Israel will grow to the point that they will fight against them to gain freedom. So he gathers all the task masters, and has what he thinks is a brilliant plan, he will make the children of Israel work harder than ever. His thinking behind this is to make them so busy, they have no home life, and therfore no more Babies! So they build King Pharoah two big treaser cities, and the men of Israel worked terribly hard, only the Kings plan back fired on him, the bible says,(VS. 12)"the more they worked them, the more they grew".
Know this today saint of God, the enemy puts many different obsticles in our lives, it is easy to loose spiritual growth by being too busy in this life; work, kids soccer, football, cheerleading, girl scouts, basketball ect. We live in a society today, when the church services should be growing and increasing, but now to the point when a Pastor struggles to get an audience on Sunday nights, so they cancel it. We should be a mighty nation of very spiritual people. We are a country that was founded on the true gospel of Jesus Christ, but now a nation of people with various cults, and false doctrines. We need to grow from the obsticles, just like the Children of Isreal.
So this leads us to the next Idea the King had, he planned to have the Mid Wives kill the male babies of the children of Israel after their birth, the bible says the Mid wives fear God, and didn’t do as the king said, and King Pharoah see’s the male babies are still alive, and being born, so he called in the mid wives and asks them why are the male babies still living? I love the answer the mid wives gave the king, they said in VS 19 KJV," For the Hebrew women are not as the Egyption women, for they are Lively" The Hebrew women knew that a blessing was coming to them in the form of a baby, and their precious child would not die, even if they died giving birth without a mid wive present.
The Kingdom of God will not die, Jesus tells Simon, " Upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."Mat. 16:18. One thing that realy upsets the devil is when the kingdom of God advances, or when people recieve salvation. He will fight to try to destroy the church. I heard a great saying by a pastor once, he said," If the devil could destroy the children of God, he would have taken us out of his way a long time ago!" We are a victorious Church, a victorious people, just know the devil is out to steal your blessing.
The blessings of God is something worth fighting for. God wants more than anything to bless you and your life. We need to stand up, draw a line in the sand and say "devil, enough is enough, you stole my joy, you stole my peace, but I’m on the Lords side, and these blessings belong to me, you can’t have them anymore!!". Carmen just happens to be one of my favorite Christian music artist, I used to have a t-shirt from him that said " The next time the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future."
Want your blessing, Get lively, fight for it, and recieve it.