
Summary: It seems that everyone likes to stick the label of Bible Believer on themselves (if not only for the few minutes that they spout their Bible misinformation). But just saying that you are a Bible Believer does not make you one. There are three require

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It seems that everyone likes to stick the label of Bible Believer on themselves (if not only for the few minutes that they spout their Bible misinformation). But just saying that you are a Bible Believer does not make you one. There are three requirements a person must meet before he can truly be a Bible Believer.

Read the Bible

Requirement #1 - You can't be a Bible Believer if you haven't read the Bible.

If you have not read the Bible, how can you know what it says? If you get your Bible knowledge from your pastor and believe what he says to be Biblical, then you are a pastor-believer, not a Bible Believer. If you believe what your denomination says about the Bible, you are a denomination-believer. If you believe what Christian books say about the Bible, you are a Christian-book-believer. If you believe what tradition says, you are a tradition-believer. These sources may not be wrong, but they are not the Bible.

What kind of believer are you?

I am not against these different believers. I was a pastor-believer, a denomination-believer, and a tradition-believer for years. They provided an entry point for me to being a Bible Believer. My pastor was a Bible Believer and so as I learned from him it brought me closer to being a Bible Believer. But not all teachers are Bible Believers. These different believers need to realize what they are, that the source of their belief is human, and that they should be reading the infallible Word of God.

One of the problems with these other believers is that they unknowingly put the thing that they are believing in up as a standard for understanding the Bible. They make that thing more important than the Bible (even though they would never admit that, their actions prove it to be true). How they see the Bible is altered by it. For example, a denomination-believer ignores or rejects anything the Bible says against his denomination. He changes the meaning of Bible passages to support his denomination. Even though he would never admit it, his denomination is more important than the Bible.

These believers remind me of the Muslim men that took Martin and Gracia Burnham captive in the Philippines. They had the Quran and revered it but it was not in their language. They did not know what its foreign words said. They only knew what the leaders of their leaders told them about it which was very little. They were killing people because they were told the Quran told them to when in fact it didn't. Many Christians who have the Bible in their own language are content to live the same way - not reading the Bible and blindly following humans.

How will you know whether the things people tell you about the Bible are correct or not, if you don't open your Bible and consult it? If you don't consult the Bible, you are believing those people to be correct instead of believing the Bible. The only way to know what the Bible says is to read it for yourself.

I make this point because it is these kinds of people that claim to be Bible Believers. They push their unbiblical ideas (which they insist are Biblical and do not realize that they are not) on people who want to be Bible Believers. These well-intentioned, self-proclaimed Bible Believers change the message of the Bible, hide its real message, and require everyone else to agree with them because they are "Bible Believers".

A Run-in with a Tradition-believer

I have had a few run-ins with these fake Bible Believers. One happened when I was the pastor of a small country church.

One evening the head deacon called me up and asked me to meet him and the previous pastor at the church. He didn't tell me why. When I arrived, he told me that a certain doctrine that I had taught a few times was not Biblical. I sat down and laid out what the Bible says about it and how the Bible did not agree with his view.

"My position is Biblical," he insisted. "You are wrong."

"O.K., show me the Bible verses that support your position," I countered.

"I do not have any Bible verses," he admitted, "but I know it is Biblical."

Then he turned to the previous pastor and said, "My position is Biblical. Tell him."

"Not if the Bible does not teach it," I insisted.

The previous pastor finally spoke up, "Ray is right. If the Bible does not teach it, it is not Biblical."

"But all preachers agree with my position," the head deacon argued. "None agree with his. He needs to agree with everyone else."

For an hour he continued to call me an unbiblical pastor and bring up my faults. As we left I asked him to study what the Bible says about his position. I explained to him that I am a Bible Believer and so I believe with the Bible says. I begged him to show me verses that supported his position so that I could believe it too. He never did.

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Mike Brenneman

commented on Oct 24, 2019

Ray, your lesson was straight forward and true. May all who read it, consider the 3 requirements you stated. It disturbs me greatly, that so many churches who claim to be Bible followers defy what the Bible says. A very common discrepancy are the requirements to be an elder. (found in 1 Tim 3 and Titus 1) An unmarried friend of mine was asked to serve as an overseer or elder. He questioned his qualification because he has always been single, no wife or children. His denomination told him he was qualified, anyway, and so he now serves as a elder. Ouch! Furthermore, consider how many different ways to be saved, are being taught. Just take one example. Repentance. Either the Bible teaches it is necessary or it isn't. It CAN'T be both. ie "You have to repent, but its not necessary." Only one position is correct but both positions are being taught. I really appreciate everything except the test you suggested. 1. It wasn't clear to me what you meant. 2. Why suggest The Bible for a New Generation? My question is sincere. I was unable to find out if it is an accurate translation. How many translators were involved? There are several reliable translations available, and if we truly love the word of God, we want a version that doesn't pervert it. (I am not saying your suggestion is a perversion, but I wasn't able to verify it is true to God's word.) All in all, your lesson dealt well with what it means to be a Bible believer. Thank you for being brave enough to submit it. May you be blessed as you teach the truth.

Ray Geide

commented on Oct 24, 2019

Thank you Mike for your kind words. I agree. The Bible teaches one way to be saved - believe or have faith (these are the same in Greek). It says so over a hundred times. The problem with the English word "believe" is that it has changed in meaning over the years. It used to mean trust. Today it doesn't. So in reality a person is not saved by believing that Jesus existed, but rather by trusting Jesus. The Bible for a New Generation is now the Breakthrough Version - the High Definition Bible ( I suggested using a contemporary Bible because a contemporary Bible comes closer to the words that we use everyday. Unfortunately, many contemporary Bibles leave the old words in, words that either are not used in everyday conversations today or no longer mean what they meant in 1611 or 1395 when they first were put in the Bible (what they meant back then is what they mean in the Bible). The Breakthrough Version has updated the old words. It also is important to have a Bible that is accurate to the Greek text. Unfortunately, Bibles that are considered to be accurate are not so accurate. I found over 16,500 problems with the KJV in the New Testament alone and I did not count all the problems that I found, I have an article on the internet listing those problems (don't take my word for it, look at the problems that I found at I have found that most newer Bibles replicate many of the KJV's problems (some of them are obvious problems that any Greek translator should have caught). The Breakthrough Version corrects all of those problems and many more. If you want to find out whether a version "perverts" the word of God or not, you are going to have to learn Greek and spend decades studying it and the Bible as I have.

Ali Uyvico

commented on Nov 7, 2021

Hi, Pastor! do breakthroughversion have a mobile app version? thank you.

Ray Geide

commented on Nov 8, 2021

Yes, the Breakthrough Version can be found as BV_Bible or Bible Underground in most app stores. It is free.

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