
Summary: Its not by our own doing, but the power we receive through the gift Jesus Christ that enables us to do far more than we could ever see ourselves capable of. If God be your partner, Make Your Plans LARGE!! Hallelujah, Glory to God forever!!

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“You can do it,” No I Can’t, YES YOU CAN!!

How many of us ever live our lives to full potential, how many even step out of our comfort zone once in a while.

So many people in general and not just Christians never think outside the box,

They get cozy in life with their daily and weekly routines, they can almost set their clock by what event happens through out the week.

You know, like it must be Tuesday because were having leftover Monday meatloaf for lunch.

The status quo, its not like it happens on purpose, it just kind of creeps in and sets up a cot in the corner for most people, just for the weekend and never leaves.

But what if it could be different? You know, to have the ability and the faith to live life above the norm!

To live life outside the box, the majority of the time and like it!

In the next town over from here, is a business that was started a few years ago, Extreme Contractors.

Just the name alone sounds exciting doesn’t it, to be able to do not just regular contracting, but the extreme kind of stuff,

You know, like the dangerous, heart pounding kind of stuff no one else could or would do.

A lot can be said in a name that describes someone.

What if we didn’t just call ourselves Christians anymore, but “EXTREME CHRISTIANS”!

There would be nothing with Gods help, that together couldn’t be accomplished.

All the dreams we’ve had over the years could and would come to fruition,

We would no longer be limited by our imagination, there would not be any unattainable goals, the sky would be the limit.

Is it possible to live beyond our wildest imaginations?

Well the bible says it is, somehow I think you knew I was going to say that, we find it in Chapter 3 of the book of Ephesians.

Ephesians 3:19-21 NKJ.

19. to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

20. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

21. to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

exceedingly: to an unusually high degree

To go further than you expect

a·bun·dant - adj

1. plentiful: present in great quantities

2. well-supplied: providing a more than plentiful supply of something

That’s like saying, its not just good, but its really, really good. And the Apostle Paul takes it one step further.

Above all that we ask or think. OK. Its like however big, however high, the most outrageous expectation you could ever have in your whole life,

Its still far above that thought or expectation, TBS. (the bible says) things that are over our head, are under His feet!

Now, and as if that’s not enough clarification, it goes on to say;

according to the power that works in us,

21. to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Its not by our own doing, but the power we receive through the gift Jesus Christ that enables us to do far more than we could ever see ourselves capable of.

God wants us to think that way you know, other wise why would He say for us to do something He didn’t mean.

And when you think about it that context, its exciting to know that this was written especially for our benefit!

Its time to set the bar a couple clicks higher, with this life we’ve been given!

If God be your partner, Make Your Plans LARGE!! Hallelujah, Glory to God forever!!

The question is, as we think of our future as individuals and as a congregation, do we plan our lives, beyond our wildest imaginations?

And if were not, why aren’t we?

Do you think that God wouldn’t do for you what he did for Paul and countless others mentioned in the Bible?

TBS. (The Bible says) that He is not a Respecter of Persons!

Paul wasn’t even one of the Disciples, he didn’t participate in Jesus ministry while He was here on earth, he didn’t help the cause at all.

In fact he did the exact opposite, he was the leader of the anti-Christian movement.

He made it his goal to seek out, identify, persecute and kill Christians, nice guy huh?

Then one day while he was on his way to Damascus, he was blinded by the light and met Jesus in a vision,

his life would never be the same again, from that moment on!

He went from being one of the main persecutors of the Gospel, to being one of the main presenters of it.

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Allen Schaarschmidt

commented on May 14, 2011

Very uplifting and insightful

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