
Summary: This is the 10th Sermon in the Series "Be Genuine" from 1 John.

Series: Be Genuine [#10]


1 John 4:7-21


Have any of you after messing up, said this phrase- “I’m only human. I’m not perfect!”? Does the Bible ever excuse sin because we are human?

1 John 3:6

Now I do realize that Christians continue to sin, but our goal should be perfection here on this earth. It is possible. We don’t have to wait until we get to Heaven to be perfect.

1 John 2:1

1 John 4:7-12

In order to become perfect, you must…

1. Be born of God.

There is nothing you can do on your own that is going to be perfect. It is the Holy Spirit of God within you that can guide you to perfection. What must you do to be born of God? You must accept God’s gift of salvation. What is the evidence of a person who is born of God? They love God. What do we do to show God our love? We love others.

1 John 4:13-16

In order to become perfect, you must…

2. Rely on God’s love.

What or who do you rely on? These simple questions will help determine that. When something goes wrong, I talk to ________ 1st. When I am making a decision, I talk to _______ 1st. I am most concern about what _________ thinks about me.

1 John 4:17-21

In order to become perfect, you must…

3. Be complete.

A sign of perfection is that…

* Your love is made complete.

This occurs when you are walking with Christ in all things.

A sign of perfection is that…

* You are not afraid of anything or anyone.

You may be thinking to yourself, “Pastor you said we are to fear God”; and you are correct; but this is a different type of fear. The fear of the Lord is a reverential fear or respect that we are to have for a perfect and holy God. Perfect love drives out all fear.

A sign of perfection is that…

* You have confidence on your day of judgment.

You don’t fear what is going to happen to you. In fact, you look forward to that day that you get to stand before Almighty God because you know where you are going to be for all eternity.


Obviously, we are a work in progress. The question is, “Are you allowing God to shape you, or are you trying to shape yourself”? Strive for perfection, it is possible.

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