You Can Be Healed: Spirit, Mind, And Body
Contributed by Daniel King, D. Min. on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: In Matthew 9, Jesus says three things to the paralyzed man. Be encouraged, your sins are forgiven, and get up and walk. This is a crusade sermon that I often preach overseas to thousands of people at a time. It is simple, but powerful.
A. The Story (Matthew 9:2-8; Mark 2:1-12)
1. Once there was a paralyzed man who could not move his hands or his feet.
2. He had four friends who decided to bring him to Jesus.
3. When they arrived at the house where Jesus was teaching, they were prevented from entering because many religious leaders were blocking the way.
4. They climbed up onto the roof of the house, cut a hole in the roof, and lowered the man in front of Jesus.
B. Jesus Saw Their Faith
1. It took great faith to cut a hole in the roof.
2. Jesus sees your need, but He is looking for your faith.
3. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
4. Faith comes from hearing God’s word.
5. We must put our faith into action
a. Faith without works (corresponding action) is dead.
b. The four friends put their faith into action.
c. I ask you to put your faith into action today.
d. Faith comes by hearing God’s word, miracles come by doing God’s word.
e. You will receive a miracle when you put your faith into action.
6. Jesus said three things to the paralyzed man.
a. Be encouraged.
b. Your sins are forgiven.
c. Get up and be healed.
7. Why did Jesus say these three things to the paralyzed man?
a. Each one of us is a three part being.
i. Inside, we are a spirit.
ii. We have a soul comprised of the mind, the will, and the emotions.
iii. We live inside a physical body.
b. Jesus wanted to bring complete healing to the man.
C. Be Encouraged
1. The first thing Jesus said to the man was “take heart” which means “be encouraged.”
2. Why did Jesus want to encourage the man?
a. The man was sad.
b. The man was worried.
c. The man was fearful.
d. The man was lonely.
3. Jesus says to you, “Be encouraged.”
a. You don’t need to be sad any longer.
b. You don’t need to be worried any longer.
c. You don’t need to live in fear any longer.
d. You don’t need to be lonely any longer.
4. Jesus is here and wherever Jesus is your miracle is going to happen.
D. Your Sins Are Forgiven
1. The second thing Jesus said to the man was, “Your sins are forgiven.”
2. The religious leaders were upset that Jesus forgave the man’s sins because they knew that only God can forgive sins.
a. The religious leaders were right because it is true that only God can forgive sins.
b. The religious leaders were also wrong because they failed to recognize that Jesus is God.
c. Jesus proved that He is God when He forgave this man’s sins.
3. The reason Jesus came to the earth was to forgive sins.
a. Jesus said, “I have come to seek and to save the lost.”
b. Every person has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23).
c. The price for sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:23).
d. Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for your sins. But Jesus did not stay dead. After three days, He rose from the dead and today Jesus is alive and ready to forgive your sins.
e. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21).
E. Go Home Completely Healed
1. The third thing Jesus said was, “Get up, take up your bed, and go home.”
1. After Jesus forgave the man’s sin, He also healed his body.
2. For the first time in many years, the man stood up and walked.
a. He came in through the roof, but he walked out through the door.
b. He came in with a big problem, but he walked out with a big miracle.
c. He came in being carried on his bed, but he walked out carrying his bed.
3. Jesus completely healed the man; spirit, mind, and body.
F. Today, Jesus has three messages for you.
1. Be encouraged.
2. Your sins are forgiven.
3. Be completely healed.