
Summary: We must yield to the Holy Ghost

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Yield to the Holy Ghost

Acts 7

In the setting of the text, it is an exciting time for the church. People are getting saved daily literally by the thousands. Everyday is a new adventure, as you never know what kind of miracle you are going to see. The lame are starting to walk, demonic spirits are being cast out, and signs/wonders are transpiring all around. People are even getting healed/set free/delivered by merely walking in the shadow of the Apostle Peter. Who could’ve imagined that the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost would make that big of an impact on the church and the world around it.

Here in chapter 6, there was a murmuring starting to arise amongst some of the new converts, saying that the Grecian Jews’ widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food. People were getting saved so fast, the disciples couldn’t keep up with the demands before them. (*Isn’t it something that even in the Bible the devil stirred up a murmuring spirit in the church when God started moving.*) So the 12 apostles gathered all the disciples together and said that it wouldn’t be good for them to neglect the ministry of the Word of God and serve tables. They needed to select 7 men, full of wisdom and of the HG to be responsible for this ministry so the Apostles could concentrate on prayer and the ministry of the Word.

*This isn’t my message, but I must stop and say that there is a reason why you can’t just put someone in leadership just because they are a good ol’ boy. They need to be full of wisdom and full of the Holy Ghost, because this is more than serving a job; it is a ministry, and it needs to be treated as such. And if you get someone full of the wisdom and spirit of God, they are going to follow the voice of the Lord and take the church in the right direction. **And by the way, in case you’re wondering what your ministry in the church is in relation to the pastor: it’s to serve and labor for the church so the man of God can be inclined to prayer and ministry of the Word of God. I guarantee if it works the way it did here, you will have the same results. V.7 “So the word of God spread, the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith”. Amen!

One of those chosen was Stephen. Though he was given the office of a deacon, he wasn’t what today’s church typifies as a deacon. He was full of faith and power, so much that his face looked like the face of an angel. He did great miracles and wonders amongst the people. He was a great man of God, but it very much displeased some of the people of the synagogue. They tried but couldn’t overcome him because of his wisdom and spirit. So they convinced some folks to make lying/false accusations against him. When these accusations were made the high priest opened up a door he probably wished he wouldn’t have when he said “Are these things true?” Because Stephen, full of boldness, began preaching the power-packed, mighty word of God to them!

He took them all the way from Abraham to Jesus, and showed how that time and again they resisted the will/work of the Lord. (1)Abraham told to leave his homeland and go to the place God would show him. He had a son Isaac, and Isaac had Jacob. Jacob had 12 sons, one of which was Joseph. Joseph was hated by his brothers, even though Joseph was being spoken to by the Lord. They sold him into slavery, but God elevated him up and ended up 2nd in command of Egypt. (2)After Joseph died, a new Pharoah arose who didn’t know about Joseph, and he became cruel to the Israelites, making them slaves. Moses was called of God to deliver them out of slavery, but after their exodus the Israelites began to reject Moses saying “Who made you boss over us?” While on Mt. Sinai the Israelites rejected Moses again and built a golden calf to worship. (3)Stephen tells them they rejected every prophet who said that the Savior was coming, and now you have turned against him too!

He said “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, just like your fathers before you, you always do resist the Holy Ghost!”

I can tell you the church of God is experiencing the prophetic fulfillment of a last days outpouring. Revival is spreading like wildfire in churches that have been dead for years. Folks who never believed in speaking in tongues/manifestations of the spirit are getting filled up around the altars and are becoming hungry for more of Jesus. CNN, Dateline, the local news, and countless magazines are covering stories of unprecedented miracles happening across the globe. Ministries are coming forth to people who were once considered unreachable. Fresh anointing to preach/sing is being poured out. And revelation knowledge of the Bible is coming out in extraordinary ways.

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