
Summary: It’s not what you’ve done that qualifys you,to serve in the kingdom of GOD,or be apart of the body of the local church,It’s GOD that qualifys you,through the blood of his son JESUS CHRIST,through your profession of faith in him.

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I read a story,about a single woman with no arms, who had A child that social services carried to court to take the child,on the bases that she was inadequate to care for the child.In court they described the woman as incomplete,defective,not equal to the purpose of motherhood,insufficient to properly effect the needs of the child,unequal in physical power,strenght,and resources.In court the judge asked the woman if she understood the charges in the case.And then asked if she could care for the child and its needs.The woman in tears said yes your honor,the judge then asked can you feed the child,can you undress an dress the child,can you bathe the child,can you change the childs diapers,can you hold the child,can you carry the child.Again in tears the woman said it was tuff at first,but yes I can your honor.The judge then asked the woman said will you please demonstrate before the court how you can do this.the woman then useing her mouth, tongue,shoulders,legs,and feet,feed undressed,bathed,changed the childs diaper,and redressed her.But not being able to hold the child for lack of arms,she had gotton a harness made that she could put the child in with her feet,and with her feet pull the strap of the harness around her neck,so that she could hold and carry the child.After the demonstration the judge said,I see no just cause for removing this child from a mother, who in my opinion is more than adequate to care for her child.Adding the judge said I would like to commend you, on overcoming your limitations,to acheive the care you demonstrated in this court today for your child.And it is in my opinion that the child will receive the greatest care from you its mother,who being physicaly challenged has found a way in the face of adversity to overcome your physical defect.And so I grant that the child stays in your care.How many know its sad but the truth is the church has labeled coutless people as inadequate,{EXAMPLE}How many here this morning have been divorced?Most churches label you as defective,disquified for service,handicapped by your failure in marriage.

Saying that you are not equal to thoses who have not been divorced,but who are still guilty of having sinned!They say you cannot hold an office,and some wont even let you have a vote in church business,or in electing officers.

#2 how many have Tattoos?Many churches wont let you hold an office because they say you have deseecrated your body which is the temple of GOD,and therfore are uncleanand defected,and cannot be a representative of church leadership!

#3 How many of you have a past criminal record.

Some churches wont let you in thier fellowship,because you have a history of being a bad person.

But friend here is the truth its not what you have done that quaifies you to serve in the kingdom of GOD,or be apart of the body of the local church,its GOD that quaifies us,through the blood of his son JESUS CHRIST,

at our profession of him as our LORD and savior.

ROMANS 3:23 teaches us that we all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD.

and though my sins may diffier from your sins,in that I’ve never been divorced,nor do I have a tattoo,or a criminal record,I’am still guilty of having commited sin,and have come short of receiving GODS glory based on my own merit.

And while sin does separate us from the righteousness of GOD,

JESUS died on calvarys tree to bring reconciliation to all that have sinned

so that all who would believe on him,could come to GOD based on his righteousness,{EPHESIANS 2:13}>tells us that its through the blood of CHRIST that we are made nigh unto GOD.

Friend if your saved, then CHRIST has qualified you based on his righteousness to be GODS child, HIS heir,HIS ministers,HIS disciples,HIS embassadors,and HIS servants, its him that has overcome sin for us,and made us more than adequate to preform the duites and responsibilitys of being not only his child,But also his servants inside the church for which he died. {tell somebody say your more than adequate}

Before you were saved you were without CHRIST as Paul says in {EPHESIANS 2:12}you were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel,vold of the promises

of GOD,you were strangers to the covenants of promise made by GOD to those

who believed on him.

You had no hope,for you were without GOD in your life,But{verse 13}says but

now in CHRIST JESUS ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of CHRIST.

Before you received CHRIST you were far off in sin, sin that had handicapped you and made you inadequate,defective,seperated from GOD,with-

out hope of ever being able in yor own merit of drawing nigh to GOD, as

his child, an heir,a minister,a disciple,an embassador,or even a servant.

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