
Summary: Sometimes in our lives we feel that God is not there for us. However, despite what we might think God is always in control

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Yes, God still in control


Attention Grabber: The commercial with the guy running a marathon and “Bonking”

In many regards our faith is like that. We get so far stumbling around and we do not feel like God is listening.


1. The world was not looking good.

2. It was a time of great upheaval

3. The Assyrian Empire was crumbling.

4. The Babylonians were gaining power.

5. Judah, Habakkuk’s home, was about to be put in captivity

6. It was a time of ruthless conquest, bloody suppression, and merciless tyranny.

Focus: Habakkuk is not much different that we are. He was struggling with his faith. If we are honest we too struggle the same ways.

Lets look at two examples of Habakkuk’s struggles and what God had to say about it:

I. Look At The World

II. Look At US

I. Look at the World

A. Habakkuk’s Complaint

1. Habakkuk’s World

a. Habakkuk was looking around the world and seeing nothing but garbage

b. Violence was everywhere. Habakkuk keeps crying for help.

c. Of course to go along with all this was oppression of Habakkuk’s people.

d. Oh yeah and in case you were thinking that is all there was also a large amount of bribery of government leaders and officials

2. Our World

a. We certainty have a lot of garbage out there.

b. Violence happens all the time in the Middle East

c. we would like to think that there is no oppression. But take a look at these third world countries like Mexico were 90% of the country’s money is controlled by 10% of the people. How do you think the other 90% of those people feel?

d. It has been said that with the right amount of money you can do anything. Bribery is still going on.

B. God’s Response

1. Habakkuk’s World

a. God calms Habakkuk by revealing some of the things that are about to happen

b. God is going to raise up the Babylonians.

c. Now Habakkuk is probably just a little bit surprised by God’s choosing the Babylonians

d. Yes they are big, bad, and tough, there is no arguing that

e. But they’re not good people in Habakkuk’s mind.

f. God tells Habakkuk the Babylonians are going to conquer the world

2. Our World

a. Think about communism, none of us like it.

b. We think we are much better then they are.

c. Could you imagine say 20 years ago God telling you that he would raise up the Soviet Union to take charge of the world

d. True you knew there was stuff wrong with the world but to use the Soviet Union?

e. Wow this would have been hard to handle

C. So what does this mean to all of us?

1. Habakkuk thought that God wasn’t listening.

2. God was listing

3. God was working

4. However, maybe God doesn’t always answer the way we would like

D. My life and finding a job

II. Look at Us

A. Habakkuk’s 2nd Complaint

1. Habakkuk world

a. After God got done telling Habakkuk what He was doing, Habakkuk felt a little bit better.

b. However, Habakkuk started thinking about everything that God told him

c. Habakkuk realizes that God is going to use the Babylonians.

d. Habakkuk does not understand why God would use them; they are immoral, dirty, wrong, bad…

e. Habakkuk questioned God on why He was going to use them

f. Then he was worried about his own people. Surely they are not as bad as the rest of the world. He wanted God to save his people from destruction

g. So then he says I’m just going to sit here and wait to see what you say.

2. Our World

a. So God finally spoke to us. What a relief! So we can continue our life

b. However, this is the time you stop and think about what God said.

c. You’re not too happy, You realize that God is going to use your enemy, who is by far much worse then you are, to straighten you out and your country, that is not fair in your eyes.

d. So you ask God what is up and you just wait and wait.

B. God’s Response

1. Habakkuk’s World

a. God tells Habakkuk to sit down be quiet and take notes!

b. This stuff may not happen right away But God is still going to do it in HIS time

c. God will make sure the righteous will survive.

d. The greedy will face God’s Consequences

2. Our world

a. God often tells us to sit down be quiet and take notes! We need to listen and SIT DOWN BE QUIET AND TAKE NOTE

b. We see sin on different levels.

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