"Ye Shall Know The Truth..."
Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Many Christians do not allow themselves the pleasure of being a Christian and the associated freedoms.
“Ye Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free”
Text: John 8: 31-41
Purpose: The attitudes of the 1st Century Jews are comparable to
those of many Christians today.
I. Introduction: A look at the text
A. Arrogant
1. Them, children of Abraham/We are members of the church of Christ.
a. Our heritage doesn’t save us.
b. They quoted Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob/We quote David Lipscomb, Foy E. Wallace, Guy N. Woods, Robert Taylor, etc. etc. etc.
c. No forefathers could replace Jesus Christ.
2. Don’t confuse me with the truth; my mind is made up.
a. vs. 37
b. They refused being free from the law/We refuse to accept or allow others to enjoy the liberty of the gospel.
c. Not all Jews were this way, many believed.
1. vs. 31
2. Joseph of Arimathea (Mk 15:43)
3. The Apostles (Lk 6: 12-16) (Jo 1:43-51) Nathanael i.e. arrogant
4. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9)
d. Arrogance leads to blindness
1. These particular Jews were not in tune at all with Jesus.
2. Jesus speaks several times of those who have ears but do not
3. Oddly enough they denied being slaves to anyone but obviously
they were under the thumb of the Roman government! Does
the word “denial” mean anything?
B. Ignorant of the truths they possessed for centuries.
1. Evil people with evil purposes often have tunnel vision; this can cause
them to misapply scripture to prove their point.
a. Jo 8: 1-5 (What is wrong with this?) Read Lev. 20: 10
b. Do we twist scripture to make it suit our stances on issues?
1. Instrumental Music (I do not advocate, do we use proper
application of scripture to aback it up?) i.e. Amos 6: 5 KJV
reads, “Woe, to them who make unto themselves instruments of
2. Are we guilty?
2. These Jews had proof of Jesus’ coming but could not see He was
Who the scriptures said we was. Lk 16: 27-31
II. Body: What is this liberty or freedom?
A. Jo 8: 31-36
1. Do you feel free?
2. Does it make you uncomfortable to say yes?
3. Do you look for reasons to avoid or water down this truth?
4. Does this seem like one of those unexplainable but nevertheless
non-contradictory Biblical truths? I have encountered several in my
5. To the Jew freedom and religious are polar opposites.
a. Pharisees were “bound” by their laws. They were slaves to it.
b. Many Jewish converts still strived to incorporate Judaist rites into NT worship and living. I.e. circumcision
1. Jerusalem Council – Acts 15
2. The Galatians – Gal 5: 1-6
B. Slaves to Sin Without Christ
1. Sin enslaves us all and Christ’s blood atones for us all. Rom. 3: 27-31
2. Slaves to sin & slaves to the Law were synonymous.
a. This is applicable to us today if we are legalistic in our views.
b. Mt. 23: 23-24
c. Satan even uses the Bible to try and mislead us.
1. He strives on legalism.
2. He knows the Word. Mt. 4: 5-7
3. Our mortal bodies are slaves to sin as long as we live. Rom. 8: 20-21
a. This passage lets us know that this is by God’s design.
b. Rom. 7: 14-25
C. Blessed is he whose sins are not counted against him.
1. Rom 4: 1-8 Abraham & David
2. II Cor 5: 11-21
3. Rom 6: 1-2, 15-18
4. Contrary to popular belief, this does not make God a Santa Claus.
a. He did this by offering His son as a sacrifice.
b. Do we deny this to others?
c. Are we afraid to accept the freedom this offers?
d. A true child of God will embrace this and share it with others freely. He will not hold back in fear of this becoming a license to sin because a true Christian loves God and God knows it.