Worship For God's Pleasure Series
Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our styles of worship are different in music, preaching, offerings, even annoncements. Do we come together to play church or do we come to really Worship the King of Kings. Dont let worship divide you from what God wants of you. Worship Him in truth
New Liberty Christian Church, Veedersburg , IN , 6-6-10, Rich McQuinn, Pastor
TEXT: I Thess 5:15-20, Revelation 4:11, Psalm 149:1
I Thessalonians 5:15----Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. 16----Be joyful always. 17----pray continually.18----give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for your life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 19----Do not put out the Spirits fire, 20----Do not treat prophecies with contempt.
Revelation 4:11----You are worthy, our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things and by your will they were created and have their being.
Psalm 149:1----Praise the Lord. Sing to the Lord a new song. Praise Him in the assembly of the Saints.
I dreamed of a city called Glory, so bright and so fair. When I entered the gates I cried HOLY. The Angels all met me there. They carried me form mansions to mansion. Oh the sights I saw. Then I said I want to see Jesus, the one who died for me. Then I bowed on my knees and cried Holy, I cried Holy, Thou art Holy. I clapped my hands and sang Glory, glory to the Son of God.
As I entered the gates of that city, my loved ones all knew me well. They took me down streets of Heaven, oh the scenes, too many to tell. I saw Abraham, Jacob and Isaac; I talked with Mark and Timothy. I said to Timothy, I want to see Jesus because He is the ONE who died for me. I bowed on my knees and cried Holy, Holy, Holy, My God is Holy. I clapped my hands and sang GLORY!
If the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to grow, it must first know how to worship Him. This is the church that Jesus gave His life for. Do not treat these words lightly. The church is the Bride of Christ. He will not treat it lightly.
Our text tells us that each leader in the church MUST lead in the right direction of worship. That WE must be praising Him in our worship and our worship must be right.
I do not care what church label you call yourself---Methodist, Baptist, Assembly of God, Catholic, Jew, Presbyterian or nothing. I care that your worship the man who died for your sins.
It is He that is worthy of our praise! Worship must begin with Him present. Do you invite Him to be with you as your praise Him?
Let me give you a wake up call. We are asleep at the wheel. We do not praise today like we did even 30 years ago. When you stay at home, turn on the tube, or go to sports centers, roll your sleeves up and work around the house, it is hard for any one of us to truly praise the Almighty God. He is worthy of our Praise.
In our churches across the world we are having worship wars over music. Who leads the music, what kind of music, traditional or jived up today’s juice? Some church members will condemn you to hell if you do not sing the right songs or play the piano. Others will condemn you if you do not read the REAL King James Version. You will go to hell. And on and on we go. Anything to separate us from the true worship of God Almighty.
We have so much division going on, even within our own churches. You see all the time the printed times of services in the local church. They may read 9:00 Traditional Worship service begins. 10:30 Contemporary Worship begins.
Contemporary is usually a band up front, words displayed on the wall, standing up singing with hands raised in praise. The music is much louder.
Now who is to say that either of them is right or wrong? I can’t. I was brought up Traditional. I understand it, use it and promote it. I also understand the newer versions of songs. Singing from the heart in both styles is the best to honor the Living God.
Today, I want you to look at yourself. Down Deep! When was the last time you really worshipped the Living Lord. What songs did you give to Him in Praise? What scripture did you read out loud?
It does not matter as long as you and your heart get to the place where true Worship begins. Please do not take the attitude that you can GO to worship without really worshipping HIM. You have to worship Him even before you get to your worship centers.
I am going to give you three areas today that you have to have!